How do I get more additional developer license??
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Is it possible to create a many-to-many relationship where the link table has additional fields using ABP Suite?
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Understand however when i select public site which will be different than the angular backend app, the backend angular app launches but does not show anything but the background. There is no login area on the screen.
Create and Seed DB Running
When I create a new Application with ABP Suite with the configuration and try to run the angular application it launches the site with only a back ground image. Run the Http.Api.Host project Launch Angular project yarn start.
I'm on a Mac and I ABP Suite there was a newer version so I ran the dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli per the instructions not I'm getting this error message.
The application to execute does not exist: '/Users/tommy/.dotnet/tools/.store/volo.abp.cli/5.3.3/volo.abp.cli/5.3.3/tools/net6.0/any/Volo.Abp.Cli.dll'.
So I attempted to run the update again and I get the error message shown in the screen. Trying to uninstall fails also.
Any Ideas?
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