As you can see in the screen shot, there are 2 cookies .AspNetCore.Culture : one with path /CentralTools/Dev/masterdata and another with path /
After login, both of them have the same value, for example French.
When I change the language to English, only the one with the /CentralTools/Dev/masterdata path gets updated.
If I delete the other one (with path /) then everything works well ; I can change language any time, it is ok. But obviously we are not going to ask users to delete manually the cookie each time they log in...
What would you suggest to address this issue ?
PS : This issue doe not happen locally or if the website is deployed at the root with IIS.
I have followed the solution that has been suggested as an answer of my initial question here :
Technically, this is working fine but what happens is that my code now loads up to 33 ressources and the impact on performance is significant when the user changes of tenant or of language.
I had to disregard this solution because of this performance issue.
Sure I am sure I can remove a few ressources from loading but a few less will not change much of the performance issue.
Can this code be improved ? Or is there a better way to do achieve the same result, that is to access translations independently of the tenant ?
Thank you
ABP Framework version: 4.3 UI type: Angular DB provider: EF Core Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
using Volo.Abp.Caching;
using Volo.Abp.LanguageManagement;
using Volo.Abp.Localization;
using Volo.Abp.MultiTenancy;
using Volo.Abp.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
namespace AbxEps.Fines
[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public class TenantIndependentResourceLocalizer : DynamicResourceLocalizer
public TenantIndependentResourceLocalizer(
IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory,
IDistributedCache<LanguageTextCacheItem> cache)
: base(serviceScopeFactory, cache)
protected override LanguageTextCacheItem CreateCacheItem(LocalizationResource resource, string cultureName)
var cacheItem = new LanguageTextCacheItem();
using (var scope = ServiceScopeFactory.CreateScope())
var currentTenant = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICurrentTenant>();
if (currentTenant == null || !currentTenant.IsAvailable)
return base.CreateCacheItem(resource, cultureName);
using (currentTenant.Change(null))
var service = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ILanguageTextRepository>();
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpIdentity", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpAccount", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("LanguageManagement", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("TextTemplateManagement", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpSettingManagement", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpIdentityServer", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpAuditLogging", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("CentralTools", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("CentralTools:CommonUI", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("Fines", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("Batches", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("ListSpool", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpUi", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpLocalization", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpTiming", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpAuthorization", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpValidation", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpExceptionHandling", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpFeatureManagement", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpFeature", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpPermissionManagement", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("Saas", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("TextTemplateManagement", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("EpsilonThemeManagement", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("BlobStoringDatabase", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AuditLog", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("Core", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("Fines:CommonUI", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpDddApplicationContracts", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpGlobalFeature", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpLdap", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpEmailing", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpUiNavigation", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
AddToLanguageDictionary("AbpUiMultiTenancy", cultureName, cacheItem, service);
return cacheItem;
private void AddToLanguageDictionary(string resourceName, string cultureName, LanguageTextCacheItem cacheItem, ILanguageTextRepository service)
var texts = service.GetList(resourceName, cultureName);
foreach (var text in texts)
cacheItem.Dictionary[text.Name] = text.Value;
We are working on a Multi-tenant application (ASP.NET core + Angular).
It appears that translations( table abplanguagetexts ) takes the tenant into account which would lead to different translations for different tenants (for a same language).
I would like to know how to achieve one translation for all tenant in a language. For example for ABPUI:ADDROLE, I want to add only a row in French with "Ajouter rôle" as a value instead of 1 row per tenant for this ABPUI:ADDROLE key.
To say it differently I would like the translation engine NOT to check the tenant when looking for a translation.
Is there a way to do this ?