Thanks albert for help.
We are building our product based on ABP and currently having business license. Do you have any ticket management system available (like this one)? if yes how we can get access. if no, what is the other alternate.
2 bugs:
Thanks Maliming.
Now i am facing another issue:
i uncheck all of them and hit save (without adding any data). Success message displayed and ABPSetting table has new record having following data: [{"name":"AzureOpenId","enabled":true,"properties":[{"name":"Authority","value":null},{"name":"ClientId","value":null}],"secretProperties":[{"name":"ClientSecret","value":null}]},{"name":"Google","enabled":true,"properties":[{"name":"ClientId","value":""}],"secretProperties":[{"name":"ClientSecret","value":""}]},{"name":"Microsoft","enabled":true,"properties":[{"name":"ClientId","value":""}],"secretProperties":[{"name":"ClientSecret","value":""}]}]
i refresh page and recheck the data. again all external providers are checked
Thanks. Got it. Appriciate all help
Thanks Maliming. Appriciate. Working as exptected. will do full testing.
Please help me on below points also:
sure will do. I don't have sample project but will share the actual keys
:). No values are not correct. but in code i have used the right code.