Step1: i created 'Bank' entity with abp suite. 'Balance' field is decimal. Step2: Run the app. Click the Banks from menu. Click the 'New Bank'. Step3 : Enter the Balance = 14.45 and Click the save button. Step4: Redirect index page. This record show: 1445.... not 14.45 PS. 1445,00 show in the DB tables.
Can I check it remotely?
i send mail to you.
I added AbpAuditingOptions to xxxWebModule as in the document.
like this:
Configure<AbpAuditingOptions>(options => { options.EntityHistorySelectors.AddAllEntities(); });
I updated the Entity. Why are there only 'Create' change logs. Why 'Update' and 'Delete' change logs do not exist in entity change ?
The DevExtreme article is very excellent. I applied it without any problems. Thank you for that.
But Reporting ...
OK. here are my questions:
Hi, i want to implementation to my abp application. my guide :
How can I do this implementation in my abp application? I would be glad if you help. @cotur
Check the docs before asking a question: Check the samples, to see the basic tasks: The exact solution to your question may have been answered before, please use the search on the homepage.
Yes, I did. Thank you @yekalkan.
Chat Module document is not very self explanatory for me. I studied the examples. but the examples are in the old version. 2.8.x I wish you could make a video about adding the chat module to an abp mvc project and working. step by step. thanks