Hi @serdar.genc
CmsKit images are stored via ABP Blob Storing infrastructure, so you can easily change your blob storing provider.
All CmsKit related BLOBs are using
).Firstly you should add Blob Storing Azure Provider module to your application, here is the documentation.
Then configure
to use Azure Provider.Configure<AbpBlobStoringOptions>(options => { options.Containers.Configure<MediaContainer>(container => { container.UseAzure(azure => { azure.ConnectionString = "your azure connection string"; azure.ContainerName = "your azure container name"; azure.CreateContainerIfNotExists = true; }); }); });
thanks @cotur. i love this framework :)
i want to save blog image on azure storage. How can i handle this ?
hi serdar.genc@talentra.net
How many permissions does your app have? You can resolve it by configure
. I will check and fix it.Configure<FormOptions>(options => { options.ValueCountLimit = 1024 * 2; //options. });
The fix PR https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/8810
Hi @maliming, Thank you so much, My problem is solved with FormOptions. permissions :
hi serdar.genc@talentra.net
Open the GlobalFeatureConfigurator class in the Domain.Shared project and add the following codes to the Configure method.
OneTimeRunner.Run(() => { GlobalFeatureManager.Instance.Modules.CmsKit(cmsKit => { cmsKit.EnableAll(); }); GlobalFeatureManager.Instance.Modules.CmsKitPro(cmsKitPro => { cmsKitPro.EnableAll(); }); });
Thank you @maliming
Hello David. I will send you a sample project that DevExpress has been fully implemented.
I'd love this project too :)