I need to extend some entities of the payment module (Plan and/or GatewayPlan), but I cannot find a class from the payment module which inherits ModuleExtentionConfiguration. How can I extent entities in this module? As it is an official commercial module I assume it has extension point that we can fork via ObjectExtensionManger?
I know I can add new db field by using EfCoreEntityExtensionMappings class, but then I need to also take care of the extending the entity with my custom fields, extend DTOs and modify the UI manually. It would be nice if I could just use the ModuleExtensionConfigurator to extend the Plan/GatewayPlan and framework will take care of visualisation in the UI (tables, add/edit form) - in a similar way how I can do it for e.g. SaaS module Edition entity...
I see that the default template generated by ABP Suite for Blazor WebAssembly app is not really using Blazor components to display account module. For example if I navigate to "My Account" page it loads the whole HTML from the server thus the page is MVC and not part of Blazor wasm. Same for login form. They are serverd from the different port (.HttpApi Host project).
I also tested with Blazor server side template and same results -> My Account is not part of blazor but seems to be MVC page. When switching pages between "my account" and "home" page I can see that when navigating to "home" page it will always initiate SignalR hub which indicates to be that it is the inital call to the server-side blazor.
However based on your website (https://commercial.abp.io/modules/Volo.Account.Pro) it says that Account module also supports Blazor UI Framework. Does it support both wasm and server side? How can I take it into use?
If I try to browse to a certain Angular page (e.g. /work-management/{id}) when I am not logged in I will be redirected to a login page as I have configured the AuthGuard. However after typing correct credentials it will not redirect to the page I originally visited (/work-management/{id}), but to the home page instead (localhost/4200).
How can I redirect to the correct page after login? The login page seems to the MVC page and not Angulare page as it is provided from different URL and port.