How long does it take? Can you provide a template for simple functionality? Blazor Hybrid authentication and authorization
Hi, please check this answer and apply the changes suggested in the answer. It should solve your problem.
Best Regards.
Thanks. have a good.
ok, I send a mail. ps: abp v5.2.0 should : yarn install v1.22.18?
Hi, I've created an app-pro template with blazor-wasm as UI and I didn't encounter any errors. Can you provide more information? For example, did you upgrade your application to v5.2.0? etc.
Is it because of the following reasons.
❯ abp suite
[09:01:34 INF] ABP CLI (
[09:01:34 INF] Version 5.2.0 (Stable)
Starting Suite v5.2.0 ...
Opening http://localhost:3000
Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
yarn install v1.22.17
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
warning "@volo/abp.aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.lepton > @volo/abp.aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.commercial > @abp/aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.shared > @abp/bootstrap > bootstrap@5.1.3" has unmet peer dependency "@popperjs/core@^2.10.2".
warning "@volo/abp.aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.lepton > @volo/abp.aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.commercial > @abp/aspnetcore.mvc.ui.theme.shared > @abp/jquery-validation-unobtrusive > @abp/jquery-validation > jquery-validation@1.19.3" has unmet peer dependency "jquery@^1.7 || ^2.0 || ^3.1".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 4.81s.
yarn install v1.22.17```