I have a microservice backend and WPF as client application. I'm using client proxy for fetching data from backend, my concern is sometimes I'm struggling to find the existing ClientProxies and finding the permissions definition for template services.
public class AdministrationServiceWpfModule : AbpModule{
var auth = ServiceCollection.GetRequiredService<IAuthorizationService>();
var result = await auth.IsGrantedAsync("AbpIdentity.Users");
//result is always false
Grateful if you can assist as commercial we need to implement support with the identify provider to use SMAL2 functionality for the likes of Cisco Duo & Azure etc if this not in scope for the old framework are we missing something? (Seeking your guidance) or is this something we can purchase as an enhancement with Abp for openiddict?
It think it's not yet but trying to find way if we can use the SAML2P IdP of DUO SSO as external or other identity source. It's like users have to choose either they want to be authenticated from abp's default auth or authenticate externally to DUO SSO. Set openiddict as the main authentication, so I believe we need the openiddict to communicate with DUO saml assertions and trust the source for the client to access the api resource.
Since the update 6.0 has the IdS replaced with the OpenIddict, I've been thinking how can I use it as a SAML2 Identity Provider since a client required us to use the DUO Single Sign-On and we were about to use the ABP's identity provider as an identity source for DUO SSO. Found this issue that OpenIddict can't be integrated in a SAML2P env but that was 6 years ago and hoping it won't be a case today since OpenIddict has updates (fingers crossed). We are migrating our existing projects to OpenIddict since IdS will end it's open-source support this year. I'm wondering if there is a way we can get out from this dilemma.
Thank you, I haven't noticed that!
It looks like no problem, Can you share a project with me or full steps to reproduce? shiwei.liang@volosoft.com I will check it out.
I invited you to a private github repository.
Sure, it's just the one from the template it wasn't modified.
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Volo.Abp;
using Volo.Abp.Application.Dtos;
namespace CMVPoint.ProductService.Products;
[RemoteService(Name = ProductServiceRemoteServiceConsts.RemoteServiceName)]
public class ProductController : ProductServiceController, IProductAppService
private readonly IProductAppService _productAppService;
public ProductController(IProductAppService productAppService)
_productAppService = productAppService;
public virtual Task<PagedResultDto<ProductDto>> GetListAsync(GetProductsInput input)
return _productAppService.GetListAsync(input);
public virtual Task<ProductDto> GetAsync(Guid id)
return _productAppService.GetAsync(id);
public virtual Task<ProductDto> CreateAsync(ProductCreateDto input)
return _productAppService.CreateAsync(input);
public virtual Task<ProductDto> UpdateAsync(Guid id, ProductUpdateDto input)
return _productAppService.UpdateAsync(id, input);
public virtual Task DeleteAsync(Guid id)
return _productAppService.DeleteAsync(id);
I have attached a link for screencast recording to reproduce the issue. It's weird why updating the Product
entity the other properties becomes null. Can anyone explain why it behaves this way and how can I resolve this issue?
Hi, Thanks I got it.