custom middleware adding System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; after app.UseAbpRequestLocalization(); didn't solve it what do you mean by add custom middleware?
e an article about them
I see we are talking about how to implement things with the ABP framework, if we chose .net framework instead of ABP framework it will be easier for us as developers to make a workaround or you can find many articles to guide us, but when it comes to the ABP.IO always spent extra time to find a workaround for some things! for sure I don't mean underestimating ABP.IO, but the team who build it understands it better than us I'll remind you with the statement "We chose ABP.IO to focus on business " which means not to spend extra time to find a workaround especially when it comes to the Commerical version.
It is more accurate to create an article request about it at with
I did!!!!
is that mean ABP's teams don't have knowledge about that? or has no one tried it before?
no answer their , that didn't help my knowledge that the ReportViewer applies to the ASP.NET 4.x (.NET Framework) webform application, (if am right) and the abp based on .net core
thanks enisn
thanks enisn appreciated , could you share with me the EditModal and the code behind the file for the razor page what about my second question plz?
hello liangshiwei, the job calls a function in the domain layer, I realized that no filter no tenant no user logged :) so i updated the function to disable all the filters and add the unit of work inside the method 1- I don't know if this is a good practice or not, especially since it may have about 4M records! your advice plz
2- kindly could you guide me on how I use it with application service layer?
i modified my code as the following , maybe it will help the others :)
public async Task CalcInvoicesForAllBatches(bool fromJob=false)
List<Guid> TenantList = new List<Guid>();
if (fromJob)
TenantList = (await _tenantRepository.GetListAsync()).Select(x=>x.Id).ToList();
TenantList.Add( _currentTenant.GetId());
if (fromJob) using (_dataFilter.Disable<ICompanyFilter>())
if (fromJob) using (_dataFilter.Disable<IBranchFilter>())
if (fromJob) using (_dataFilter.Disable<IOfficeFilter>())
if (fromJob) using (_dataFilter.Disable<IRegistryFilter>())
//if (fromJob) using (_dataFilter.Disable<IMultiTenant>()) didnt work, it will include host =null
foreach (var tenant in TenantList)
using (_currentTenant.Change(tenant))
using (var uow = _unitOfWorkManager.Begin())
var querable = await _billingBatchRepository.GetQueryableAsync();
var query = querable.Where(q => q.EndTime == default && q.StartTime == default
&& q.ExecutionTime <= DateTime.Now
).Select(x => x.Id);
var list = await AsyncExecuter.ToListAsync(query);
foreach (var id in list)
await CalcInvoicesByBatchId(id);
3- how i can localize and translate the background dashboard? 4- is it ok to keep the default workers as the following output? if i want to minimize it how i can configure it to increase running time intervals
- it is very slow
The blazor wasm will be slow on first load. Do you see this is acceptable performance? I mean it is not only when it load the apps,but you can see when you change the language for example! , also if you close the browser then re-open it , same same! comparing to the same apps with .net core only, the Blazor wasm apps working well did I miss something in the configuration? or if you test it from your side is it the same issue? ,
then after I publish it to IIS, the host works, but the blazor couldn't work after the login page ,
Did you check this document?
let me check it
I wish I found something related to Abp framework , we have selected the Abp framework to focus on business development rather than spending time on the architecture and these staff!!!!
Dear Support Teams, Any Feedback ?!
hello ABP team, I wish I found comprehensive documentation about API and enough guide to follow best practice steps better than losing time just searching in Github and google :( anyhow i realize that i should do the following steps :
first use the following address baseUrl + "/connect/token" to get token first (don't use log in to return the cookie ) with the client request.bodyFields = { 'username': username, 'password': password, 'Client_Id': 'yourname_App', 'grant_type': 'password', 'client_secret': '1q2w3e*' }; this will return the token if it succeeded step2: send the token in heder with any request : var header = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer $token', }; it will return data and post data with no problems
**my question here ** if I want to receive login user details, which URL should I use? "/api/identity/users/by-username/" (user should has privilege to see users rights? ) if i use "/api/account/my-profile" it will return basic info but for example "Extra fields added to the identity not returned"
other question please: for some reason if the user, not login or he should re-login the response status returned 200 = OK !! with the login page, means it should return json data " not authorized" or how i can deal with login page HTML in json as an error?