Theme: LeptonX UI: angular I get the scroll freezed after scrolling some time. and somwhoe starts working again after a minute or 2. Please find the video here.!Am2j79WrRQPRgnuihodkKULL7OR4?e=u6dJjo Also while scrolling we get a black div out of nowhere.. Please find the video here..!Am2j79WrRQPRgnyAEKMUGRMqp9BC?e=eBO99A
This is a big problem for our client page, please support asap.
I need to list all the users of certain role in host, This should be a list of all users in a specific role from all tenants.
If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:
I have home menu which I want to show without login and hide that menu after login. How can I do that?
ABP Framework version: v4.3
UI type: Angular
DB provider: EF Core
Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes / no
Exception message and stack trace:
Steps to reproduce the issue:"
Description: I have x role in my project. Any user assigned to that role must be able to login in any tenant. What I need to do to make it possible?
I'm using angular UI with abp commercial.I created a tenant in abp using the admin. But i was unable to login with the email address used in the tenant registration. I also queried the database and looks like it is not being saved.
I am using the ABP suite project with angular. I downloaded the source code for the account module in my project. How can I replace @volo/ package used in my project from the added account module?