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Hi We've noticed that the application configuration call is taking a while on our app.
It's only loaded on the first load and a few other instances but it does make a significant impact on our load time. We have redis enable.
Is there any way this can be speeded up?
Awesome thanks so much!
Can you share a project that reproduces the problem with me?
Hi, I've invited you to a git hub repo. Let me know if this was the right email address. It's a basic starter template MVC style, non-tiered.
I've noticed that the token **does **come through on the initial authentication request - e.g. when registering. After that, it does not seem to come through. I think it might be associated with the external cookie, which then gets wiped out?
The above was for a POC, but - We are using the microservices solution in our production environment, so I'm guessing we would need to take a different approach to this as well as the token would need to be handled by the identity server and then potentially stored in a cache?
Cheers :)
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I'm using a library called AspNet.Security.OAuth.Providers to provide OAuth to a test abp solution. These are just specific OAuth extensions so it's easier to set up external logins.
For example I have a **non **abp MVC solution that uses:
.AddGitHub(options => { options.ClientId = Configuration["GitHub:ClientId"]; options.ClientSecret = Configuration["GitHub:ClientSecret"]; options.EnterpriseDomain = Configuration["GitHub:EnterpriseDomain"]; options.Scope.Add("user:email"); options.SaveTokens = true; });
When I use HttpContext.GetTokenAsync I get the access token which I can then use to call the github api. e.g. var accessToken = await HttpContext.GetTokenAsync("GitHub", "access_token");
When running the exact same code in ABP.IO the access token is null. I'm not sure if this is something to do with the auth implementation, but it would be great to be able to use the savetokens = true and access that token.
Thanks Chris
Can you watch the webserver memory and check it when it occurs?
Will do.
Hi we are getting an error with our Auth server using the microservices model.
We haven't figured out how to reproduce this, but once it occurs the only way to fix it is by a restart the service, something that's not sustainable.
It's the standards Microservices solution from a previous version, but we recently upgraded to 4.4.4 I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it.
Stack Trace Extract.
System.Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.\n at x973ltTuyr0iNFtkVC2.uoxoRDTMlI1EVNyvYXa.O5QlTBeshI(Int32 )\n at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectArrayIterator2.MoveNext()\n at System.Collections.Generic.List
1.InsertRange(Int32 index, IEnumerable`1 collection)\n at IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.DiscoveryResponseGenerator.CreateDiscoveryDocumentAsync(String baseUrl, String issuerUri)\n at IdentityServer4.Endpoints.DiscoveryEndpoint.ProcessAsync(HttpContext context)\n at IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context, IEndpointRouter router, IUserSession session, IEventService events, IBackChannelLogoutService backChannelLogoutService)
is the only way to operate on a specific tenant in a background worker. I can recommend to create a separate console application for the background workers and run only a single instance of that application. Otherwise, if you make it a part of a service, you should care when you run multiple instances of that service - the worker may work on the same data which may cause duplications.Disabling the tenancy filter is needed if you want to query from all tenants. It can only work for "shared database" approach. It can't work if a tenant has a seperate database. However, if you want to query a list of tenants (from the AbpTenants table), no need to disable the tenancy filter, because the Tenant entity is not multi-tenant.
In your background worker app, you can add a reference to the Volo.SaaS.EntityFrameworkCore and set the connection string for the saas database. Alternatively, you can perform a call to the SaaS service if you don't want to access the SaaS db from the worker app. But, I suggest to use the db.
Thanks for the info, that makes a lot of sense!
I'm looking for the best practice to add a background worker to a multitenant microservices architecture. Our background job is part of a service which goes through a collection of entities and processes them, accross each tenant.
In terms of processing I was thinking using (_currentTenant.Change(TenantId)) would be the best way. BUT we need the tenants, which is part of the SaaS service.
Get could potentially turn off the tenant filter. using (_dataFilter.Disable<IMultiTenant>()) We could get the list of tenants from the client service and use change. We could add these to a shared project which has access to everything, for example ITenantRepository
Any recomendations for teh prefered way would be great.
Our devs have created a react app which connects to ABP.IO using identity server. We are using subdomains to identity each tenant.
When a user logs in to site1 the token is returned and used from the app If we then switch to site2 we login again and get a token for that as well.
Then if we switch between the sites the token endpoint returns the same token
We are using /connect/token to get the token and supplying the redirect _url etc. But should we be sending something else to identity the tenant, such as a header or query string?
I just tried to upgrade to business, but when the payment redirected back there was a 403 error(10005) on the site. I'm not sure if the payment went through or it stopped.
Is there anyway of finding out?