Hi @maliming another silly mistake :) I did not check after Rider created auto-generated code.
Hi @maliming, I removed blobStoring from project. We will no longer use this.
Thanks for your helping and your time.
Hi @maliming I can't understand what you mean. I have no connection issues, actually. Each microservice can connect to its own DB via repos without issue. The problem is blobProvider is bypassing fileManagerConnectionString by administration-service. Repositories that are in blobProvider is connecting the administration service DB.
I think I should configure blobStoringProvider to connect file-manager-service DB, but I can't find any solution about this.
BTW, here is my connections:
It worked. Thanks @maliming.
Hi @liangshiwei, actually I am extending/overriding the end-point in identity-service microservice itself. And it is different then yours.
But yes it doesn't matter. I got your your point. I just ask for better way. Using RestService can be solution. Now, I created a library for identity and generated proxies in it.
I just have concerns about using it this way, if there are drawbacks.
Hi @muhammedaltug, your advice worked for me. It should be in Microservice documentation.