Activities of "MILLENNIUM"


I have an issue with poor documentation with abp modules which I have without source code; For example the chat module, I read the article ( but I was not able to:

  • Customize the users that displayed for each user
  • Show only sub set of users that in a specific role or applied a custom condition
  • Add voice messages to the chat
  • Customize the front end template and their styles

How can I appy such customizations?


I am trying to create a CI/CD pipleline (with azure devops), I have a problem with using the DbMigrator project in that pipeline, I do not want to use abp credentials on the pipeline (to install abp and login with my account, and I have accounts) What are the alternative of creating the database and applying the migrations and seeding the default data.

I read the topic ( but I need an alternative way in production environment. (for example is there is a way that I reference the dbMigrator in the host to seed the data on startup)

I have two questions regarding (Commercial & Community) versions: 1- When I use the command line: abp new [Project Name] it always creates the 'commerical' project, Is there a parameter to specify to the abp CLI to create the commercial or community version ? 2- Can I use abp commercial projects in open source project? I mean Is it leagal to create a commercial project and share it as an open source project, or I must use the community version then ?




  • How can we change the sms confirmation code length, currently it is 6 digits how can I make it longer or shorter?
  • Is there is a support for Question about Passwordless authentication, would you provide me with more details about it? So the user can loggin using phone number and his sms confirmation code?
  • We know that the Identity server will not be free anymore, what are the plans in abp regarding this? will we have the option in the future to choose between auth providers?

Thank you

If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:

  • ABP Framework version: v4.4.3
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace: No Errors
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"
  • Insall Lepton theme with source code using Abp suite
  • Change the source leptonY.scss then run gulp minify and bundle the theme
  • Run angular system, it takes the affects of customized theme
  • Keep the system runing and rechange the source leptonY.scss then run gulp
  • The problem is that changes are not reflected to the runing angular App!

Note: The designer needs to he his changes directly upon changes source scss files using gulp watch, so he can customize the theme easily Please note that we do not want to add custom style that Overrides the default theme, we want to customize the theme itself (since we have the source scss of it) which make it easier and faster for us and keep styling code is clean

Can you support us to find a way to see changes of scss files very quicly on the running angular system, (similar to hot reload) ( I remember this feature was up and runing in old versions 4.X.X , cannot tell which one)

Is it possible to load modules dynamicly (instead of referencing modules as attributes and direct assembly reference) I mean something like MEF, And Is it possible to add entities dynamicly in runtime ?

Customizing Angular Templates:

  • ABP Framework version: v4.4.3
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes
  • Exception message and stack trace: No Exception, no log
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

I edited the tempates in abp suite then created Entity using (CRUD Page Generator) in abp suite everything is generated but ignored my custom templates in angular (in backend host, changes are made successfully) All generated code are being done using the default templates! I made sure that there is no (Outdated) templates And there is no error in termninal console

Please support Thank you

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-rc.1. Updated on January 17, 2025, 14:13