We have some issues with our abp project One of them is when overriding the Account module localization with a new localization json files
The localized texts values are shown correctly ONLY at development mode, but when we deploy the version to the server, the localization is not working
the used code at openIdDict authentication project
`Configure(options => { options.FileSets.AddEmbedded();
if (hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
Configure<AbpLocalizationOptions>(options => { options.Resources .Add<EquipmentAuthResource>("en-US") .AddVirtualJson("/Localization/EquipmentAuth") .AddBaseTypes(typeof(AccountResource)); //Inherit from an existing resource });
Is there anything missing to make the localization works properly on the server?
Waiting for your response
We are working on a new abp project (version 7) and we have some issues 1- When we updated the abp today from "7.0.0-rc.2" to "7.0.0-rc.3", we faced issue
2- we have 3 projects and each one should have different logic and UI for login process, so we created a middleware at the openiddict auth to handle each project request but we faced 2 issues
var request = context.Request.HttpContext.GetOpenIddictServerRequest(); if (request.IsClientCredentialsGrantType()) { var application = await _applicationManager.FindByClientIdAsync(request.ClientId); if (application == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The application details cannot be found in the database."); } var app = await _applicationManager.GetClientIdAsync(application);
So, please we want an openiddict middleware sample in which we get the ClientId and check on its value
Waiting for you reply Thanks
I m using an abp datatable in which i have rowActions for 2 buttons
it works normally, but when i added a rowCallback to the table (to make some rows with different color with specific condition) it makes the rowActions ignored for the 2 buttons, and they become invisible!!
so the rows are colored correctly, but there are no columns for the action items.
Please i want to fix this issue ASAP to use rowcallback normally with rowactions.
Thanks in advance