Activities of "pkouame"

yes - no doubt you are issuing the same CLI calls.

as stated above - your framework needs an appsettings.json in EFCore.DbMigrations for this to work on my side. Unless you are attempting to tool differently...

Hi alper - removed and re-installed abp suite and still getting the compilation warnings above. I think the warnigs have to do with obsolete methods and async methods lacking await operators - clearly something in (possibly) an earlier version of the application code. Warnings are in Pages/Entity/CreateModal.cshtml and Pages/Entity/Index.cshtml. These warnings don't occur on brand new 2.8 solutions (I tested that)

As I stated above the latest easycrm was based on 2.6 while the framework is now 2.8. Doesn't seem to be a show stopper but you may want to inform the developer(s) assigned to easycrm.

This is the latest easycrm (downloaded a few days ago) Looks like it was based on abp 2.6.2 I updated all npm and nuget packages -> all project files are 2.8.0 now

migrations and database updates don't work on macOS (see other ticket) so applied the changes manually

crud generator on easycrm works now

FYI - the (easycrm) code apparently needs an update too since I am getting these server warnings:

EntityFrameworkCore/EasyCrmDbContext.cs(14,7): warning CS0105: The using directive for 'Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.Modeling' appeared previously in this namespace [/Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.EntityFrameworkCore/Volo.EasyCrm.EntityFrameworkCore.csproj] Menus/EasyCrmMenuContributor.cs(3,7): warning CS0105: The using directive for 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization' appeared previously in this namespace [/Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.Web/Volo.EasyCrm.Web.csproj] EasyCrmWebModule.cs(226,13): warning CS0618: 'AbpAspNetCoreMvcApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseMvcWithDefaultRouteAndArea(IApplicationBuilder, Action<IEndpointRouteBuilder>)' is obsolete: 'Use app.UseConfiguredEndpoints(...) extension method instead!' [/Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.Web/Volo.EasyCrm.Web.csproj] Pages/Authors/CreateModal.cshtml.cs(24,27): warning CS1998: This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. [/Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.Web/Volo.EasyCrm.Web.csproj] Pages/Authors/Index.cshtml.cs(29,27): warning CS1998: This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. [/Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.Web/Volo.EasyCrm.Web.csproj] watch : Exited watch : File changed: /Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.EntityFrameworkCore.DbMigrations/Migrations/EasyCrmMigrationsDbContextModelSnapshot.cs watch : Started Menus/EasyCrmMenuContributor.cs(3,7): warning CS0105: The using directive for 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization' appeared previously in this namespace [/Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.Web/Volo.EasyCrm.Web.csproj] Pages/Authors/CreateModal.cshtml.cs(24,27): warning CS1998: This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. [/Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.Web/Volo.EasyCrm.Web.csproj] Pages/Authors/Index.cshtml.cs(29,27): warning CS1998: This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. [/Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.Web/Volo.EasyCrm.Web.csproj] EasyCrmWebModule.cs(226,13): warning CS0618: 'AbpAspNetCoreMvcApplicationBuilderExtensions.UseMvcWithDefaultRouteAndArea(IApplicationBuilder, Action<IEndpointRouteBuilder>)' is obsolete: 'Use app.UseConfiguredEndpoints(...) extension method instead!' [/Users/me/dev/aqua/abp-pro/easy-crm/src/Volo.EasyCrm.Web/Volo.EasyCrm.Web.csproj]

Hi - any news on this : migrations and database updates from abp suite dont' work on macOS.


an update...

looks like there are definitely some tooling issues with abp suite migrations (at least on the mac)

I got around this manually by:

dotnet-ef migrations add "your migration name here" dotnet-ef database update

in EntityFrameWorkCore.DbMigrations after adding an appsettings.json with my connections (copied from DbMigrator)

my previous question on linux/macos testing still holds...

Hi - this is a brand new commercial solution and the suite is up to date (v2.8). Has this been tested on my platform?

on macOS Catalina dotnet 3.1 v2.8 visual studio code dotnet --version 3.1.201 node -v v12.16.3 npm -v 6.14.4


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macos easycrm project abp suite 2.8

add an author entity (per the guide) to the easycrm sample project save and generate -> generates the code with error (screenshot attached)


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  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:
  • create a simple author entity with two properties on a newly generated 2.0 solution
  • code is generated
  • ERROR:
  • Error occurred on DB migration step: MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Project file does not exist. Switch: ../Kuvu.HttpApi.Host Unable to retrieve project metadata. Ensure it's an MSBuild-based .NET Core project. If you're using custom BaseIntermediateOutputPath or MSBuildProjectExtensionsPath values, Use the --msbuildprojectextensionspath option.
  • (see screenshot below)

on macOS dotnet 3.1 v2.8

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