how can I change some "Pre-Defined Events" to fanout exchange and other Events direct?
Kindly your support
How can I make EntityCreatedEto "Pre-Defined Events" In Distributed Event Bus consume from multiple Applications?
more explain
abp use "direct exchange", how can I change some "Pre-Defined Events" to fanout exchange or how can I use one message and multiple consumers?
How ABP added ant-design style in organization screen without added it in angular.json?
Kindly support,
Kindly your support,
abp use ng-zorro-antd [] in pro account module, we use nz-tree-select [] but it not working because style.
how can use ng-zorro-antd in general, and how to fixed style problem.
Thanks for your support
after we search, we found in IIdentityServer.AddDeveloperSigningCredential Generate different tempkey.jwk for each server,
and ABP was created as a private method in the module "Volo.Abp.IdentityServer.Domain" but actual not used, private static IIdentityServerBuilder AddAbpDeveloperSigningCredential
I solve the problem with the following code:
PreConfigure<AbpIdentityServerBuilderOptions>(builder =>
builder.AddDeveloperSigningCredential = false;
var certificate = new X509Certificate2(filePath, password);
PreConfigure<IIdentityServerBuilder>(builder =>
Is there any notes can you provide me in publishing Projects? or Is there any Videos to help me publish abp project?