WHen I added Themes/Lepton/Layouts/Account/Default.cshtml and made my changes it comes up with a white page with the form and my changes but no styling. In the console window it has the below.
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined at ApplicationConfigurationScript:3:1 at ApplicationConfigurationScript:2571:3
Uncaught ReferenceError: abp is not defined at ServiceProxyScript:12:5 at ServiceProxyScript:59:5 at ServiceProxyScript:236:3
Here is the Custom Login Model. Literally just basic.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Owl.reCAPTCHA;
using Volo.Abp.Account.ExternalProviders;
using Volo.Abp.Account.Public.Web;
using Volo.Abp.Account.Public.Web.Pages.Account;
using Volo.Abp.Account.Security.Recaptcha;
using Volo.Abp.Security.Claims;
namespace Cure8.Pages.Account
public class CustomLoginModel : LoginModel
public CustomLoginModel(IAuthenticationSchemeProvider schemeProvider,
IOptions<AbpAccountOptions> accountOptions,
IAbpRecaptchaValidatorFactory recaptchaValidatorFactory,
IAccountExternalProviderAppService accountExternalProviderAppService,
ICurrentPrincipalAccessor currentPrincipalAccessor,
IOptions<IdentityOptions> identityOptions,
IOptionsSnapshot<reCAPTCHAOptions> reCaptchaOptions) :
base(schemeProvider, accountOptions, recaptchaValidatorFactory,
identityOptions, reCaptchaOptions)
Then in the view here is where I reference the model
@using Cure8.Pages.Account @model CustomLoginModel
I have been working on trying to override the login page. The first issue I am having is I want to remove the drop-down for localization on the login screen. I see that isn't a part of the account/login.cshtml page. I also want to change the tenant text box to a drop-down as our app is for the internal use of our company only. But the same issue with the language switch. I cannot figure out where to go for that. I thought I needed to override the Themes/Layouts/Account/Default.cshtml file, but that isn't working.
The second issue I am having is the CustomLoginModel.cs I created that inherits from LoginModel.cs doesn't seem to be working correctly. in the Login.cshtml the model isn't populated because when I hit an if statement in login.cshtml the bools are not set such as EnableLocalLogin so the login form doesn't show up anymore since I set this up.
Any help would be much appreciated. I wanted to note that I started out using this as a reference https://github.com/bartvanhoey/AbpBlazorCustomizeLoginPage
That is how I implemented Azure AD. It is only when I sign out. The login works perfectly fine. It seems to be something to do with the identity server as it sits at that screen that says the below.
Signed Out You have been signed out and you will be redirected soon.
When I sign out of the Angular app it redirects to the identity server/host API server just fine but then it doesn't redirect back to the angular app. It just sits at the signed out screen. That says the below but never redirects back to Angular app. It seems like it is actually signing out but just the redirect back to the Angular app is not workinging. The server is using Azure Active Directory for the authentication. Is there something I can check to see why it is not doing this?
Signed Out You have been signed out and you will be redirected soon.
That would be HUGE. Thank you. I hope real soon.
Is there any documentation about how to publish the Angular version microservices to Azure? Or to a virtual machine?
I created a Microservice project from the new template and I would like to get rid of the SaasService (and get rid of multi-tenancy) and remove the ProductService as well. Obviosuly I can just remove the projects. But I am guessing there must be something else I need to do correct?
I am sorry, I should have clarified. I meant when using the helper method.
<abp-modal-footer buttons="@(AbpModalButtons.Cancel|AbpModalButtons.Save)"></abp-modal-footer>
How do you override the save button text in a modal? I am using Asp.NET MVC version.