Please find the logs in the link
Theme: LeptonX UI: angular I get the scroll freezed after scrolling some time. and somwhoe starts working again after a minute or 2. Please find the video here.!Am2j79WrRQPRgnuihodkKULL7OR4?e=u6dJjo Also while scrolling we get a black div out of nowhere.. Please find the video here..!Am2j79WrRQPRgnyAEKMUGRMqp9BC?e=eBO99A
This is a big problem for our client page, please support asap.
hi, alternatively, you can create the same user with the same credentials in each tenant. yes we wanna do this because.. we have business requirement of some role users from host will have to provide services to other tenant. They want some of their user to login into any tenant with their same credentials. I'm trying to add the same user with same credentials for all tenants . but i cannot access these properties like tenantid, username, normalized username etc .
Hi ,
I tried adding Users and their Roles from default Tenant into other tenants using Identity User. I found the User but could not set values for Tenant Id before i save user . Code:[ var userToAddInformation = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId); userToAddInformation.TenantId = tenId;]
Also when I try to save a user from my code i could not set user properties from AppUser as it is designed for get only.So i tried using Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser but still i could not set properties like email, username etc also tried IdentityUserManger CreateAsync but it still doesnot work.
Hi, Thank you for your answer.It worked for me.
I need to list all the users of certain role in host, This should be a list of all users in a specific role from all tenants.
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I have home menu which I want to show without login and hide that menu after login. How can I do that?