Hi @gterdem
Thanks for the clarification about gateway I made an error reading ports (gateway & productServices), so related to this why you specify prodcut service if it's still on the same address?
In this case I can remove it or is it better to specify?
export const environment = {
production: false,
application: {
name: 'prj',
apis: {
default: {
url: 'https://localhost:44325',
rootNamespace: 'prj',
AbpAccountPublic: {
url: oAuthConfig.issuer,
rootNamespace: 'AbpAccountPublic',
ProductService: {
url: 'https://localhost:44325',
rootNamespace: 'prj.ProductService',
I've create a new app via suite and use only the angular folder with my microservice solution. So now I'm a little confuse how can I change my tenant.
I try to explain the scenario:
Another confusion is releted to default product Microservice that are autogenerated on solution. Why, in angular app, the microservice is "connected" directly to productMicroservice and not to the gateway?
ProductService: {
url: 'https://localhost:44325',
rootNamespace: 'MyMicroMicroservice',
Hi @gterdem my goal is add a new app (es. a PWA to B2B on eshop example). This new app ass 2 microservice
We need to create a new dedicated gateway with Catalog, Ordering, Logistics and Delivery Service an a dadicated app. So my approch is duplicate the gateway project and adjust Seed/CORS/config to allow conncetion but for a quick start to web pwa app I create a normal APP with cli command line and copy&paste angular folder.
The question is it's the best/only path that I've to do that?
I follow the document and I've create a new solution based on microservice.
I add a new service to my new microservice solution and it works fine, so now I want to add a new application so to do that I think:
Point 2 and 3 I'm not sure if it's the best way to do.
we have create a solution based on microservice template, we follow the guide to create a new microservice and add it to the solution.
Which is the best way to add a new gateway and new UI app (angular)?
We copy and paste the folders but need a lot of reworks
I've the same problem and I read this thread to find the solution. In my case I've change my EF repository to use IDbContext instead DbContext.
I think the misconfiguration came from AbpSuite, so when you create a new entity you get custom repo based on concrete DbContext. It works fine if you don't need to move into a microservice but if you move later to microservice you need to change this.
For example the CmsKit has this issue in BlogFeature you get and in Blog you have
With this configuration it's impossible to Replace the DbContext.
I hope this example can be usefull.
We have some issue on a multitenant app for user admin that change user name.
We user register a new tenant an admin will be create by the backend but user can change admin user name.
I think it's not a good option because in that way for admin is not static and we can't access with impersonation.
Is it possibile to lock admin user name? Or other work around?
Any update?
I've sent data to login
so we can't use Auth server per tenant? or we can't use auth per tenant with Swagger?
All 2 apps is develop with abp same version with angular auth page.
I prepare a use to see our landscape and send to support