The issue is after deploy on iis if i update some test it will ypdate and othe texts are return corse origin error I got this error in Network (strict-origin-when-cross-origin)
Hello, The Abp Suite don't creating any front angular after first time?
If you're creating a bug/problem report, please include followings:
yes dear I solve the problem just now. it was from importing the module.
exception messages : Can't bind to 'visible' since it isn't a known property of 'abp-modal'. <abp-modal [busy]="isModalBusy" [(visible)]="isModalOpen">
'abp-page' is not a known element: <abp-page [title]="'::Grants' ">
Can't bind to 'name' since it isn't a known property of 'ngx-datatable-column'.
No pipe found with name 'abpLocalization'.
this component is copied from another one working but i only change it's file name and class name i also has old component has same issue its created manulally
i dont know what happen the solution is created from ABP suite V5.2.0 and no thing changed
Only on MVC application.
can i add it to angular any way?
We don’t know about UAEPass, if it supports the standard Oauth2 protocol, you can refer to
thank you dear for your answer. doses the external login buttons appear on angular application or only on MVC application?
Hello, I want to add Custom Oauth2 Login Provider but i try some solution but not working, i want to implement it as external login to view login button in login page as external login in angular and web public.
I want to integrate with UAEPass thanks