I implemented QuartzBackgroundWorkerBase for my background worker.
The trigger code is this:
Trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
builder => builder.StartingDailyAt(TimeOfDay.HourAndMinuteOfDay(X, Y)).EndingDailyAfterCount(1))
Worker triggers the job one time,
but Execute method runs 3 times even i used [DisallowConcurrentExecution]
attribute for the worker class.
I tried many scheduler combinations, but without success.
What can be the problem? It looks like a threading issue. I don't think the problem is with Quartz framework.
I am working with an abp background worker.
When i injected a repository, scoped or not scoped. The repository only supplies data for tenantless (current tenant is null) records of the entity (entity is a MultiTenant entity). But the system has many tenants. As i see the repository only supplies tenantless records when there is not a current tenant.
I want to inject my entity repository to reach all the records of my entity from all the sources, i mean all the tenant and not tenant related records (tenantfull and tenantless).
How can i do this? Thanks.
Abp suite CRUD code generation creates GetListAsync methods in Applications Services, but this method gives paged results.
Is there a way to get all the data with this method without implementing a new GetList method?
Task<PagedResultDto<EntityDto>> GetListAsync(GetEntityInput input)
I wanted to write a solution for a question which i opened before.
But the system says;
The question(thread) is Angular UI Login Page Missing Menu Items #5
For your info, Talha Zengin
I am not sure the problem is in my side but,
Now i created a template solution from abp suite and made Update-Database from package manager console. When i looked to database, i can't see any data on tables. Thus project does not works as expected. Maybe i am doing something wrong but it says migration succesfull and i used -Verbose mode.
Abp CLI 2.0.1 Abp Suite 2.0.1