hi @RonaldR
Can your problem be reproduced using a template project?
hi Harshil
abp is using the ASP.NET Core standard external/social login.
hi @vu.nguyen
I think it depends on your configure of LDAP server.
I am not particularly familiar with LDAP. I just implemented a simple authentication. You can completely customize it.
This is related to jquery-validation
hi @lihongjun
Please check this: https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Multi-Tenancy#default-tenant-resolvers
Whats base domain component
It depends on your LDAP server. https://github.com/abpframework/abp/blob/1f0e3127cc1708f61a32de1cd664f68fc226b897/framework/test/Volo.Abp.Ldap.Tests/Volo/Abp/Ldap/LdapManager_Tests.cs#L23
Do I need to supply a username & password or is it optional
Username/password is required, it needs to have the permissions to query LDAP users and verify the password of LDAP users.
Do I need to make any modification to the code or does it work out of the box
It depends on your LDAP server. We use OpenLdapManager in account pro module by default.
This is not related to LDAP both is there a way to disable or override the errorHandling for the RestService globalyl, or do I have do it per api?
You can create a quesiton and our angular support staff will reply to you.
hi BernardoTeixeira
Please check your identity server's Client_Id