Activities of "ismcagdas"

Hi @easonyang

  • Does it make any difference if you run dotnet restore before the build operation ?
  • Could you share the full error log ? This error might be happening for a specific package.


Hi @MichelZ

Do you still have problem. I'm sorry that I missed your reply. We have made some improvements on our website about this problem.


Hi @dmeagor

Yes, we removed some packages which shouln't be on our NuGet server but on Please let me know if you face any problems.

Hi @dmeagor

Could you try again ? This should be fixed now.


Hi @MichelZ

I'm not %100 sure but your requests might be blocked by our firewall. Is it possible to share your IP with us so we can check this ? You can share it with

Also, using a nuget cache for your docker builds might help to solve this problem and speed up your development, see

Hi @selinkoykiran

You were right, the prerelase filter is not used at all when searching the packages. We have fixed this problem. The fix will be published soon.

Hi @beuko

This is a different problem. Could you create a new 4.4.1 project, it should be working fine now.


Hi @selinkoykiran

Are you using a 3rd party library ? If so, can you share it with me ?


Hi @selinkoykiran

I tried with VS 2019 and it worked as expected for me. When I check the package status, it is correctly marked as a PreRelease package. Sometimes Visual Studio cna mix the requests for getting the package information from the package source. Could you wait for a few seconds when you click the PreRelease checkbox and see if it makes any difference ?

By the way, does this cause any problem on your CI/CD pipeline ?

Hi @MichelZ

Yes, the release of 4.4.1 is still in progress, could you try again when the release is completed. We hope to complete it today.


Hi @piseth

Sorry for the late reply. You can include this plugin to your app by following the steps below;

  1. Install the package to your project
npm install chartjs-plugin-datalabels --save
  1. Then, add the script to abp.resourcemapping.js under your web project
module.exports = {
    aliases: {
    mappings: {
        "@node_modules/chartjs-plugin-datalabels/dist/*.*": "@libs/chartjs-plugin-datalabels/"
  1. After all, you can inject the script to the page you want to use. For example, you can include it into HostDashboard.cshtml as shown below;
@section scripts {
    <abp-script src="/libs/chartjs-plugin-datalabels/chartjs-plugin-datalabels.js" />
    <abp-script src="/Pages/HostDashboard.js" />
  1. You can directly use ChartDataLabels in your JS files (HostDashboard.js for example). You can't modify existing charts on the HostDsahboard becasue those are placed to the page from modules. However, you can remove those charts and create your own chards and use ChartDataLabels in them. You can take a look at for a sample usage.
Showing 11 to 20 of 60 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-rc.1. Updated on January 17, 2025, 14:13