Be more clear please. There is few IdentityServer stuffs. Do I need to create this class in one of the projects? If IDS means IdentityServer, which is not a project
IDS project?
Several bugs when switch from Angular to Account MVC views, should I create a ticket for them? Because of this I don't think I can upgrade the production...
NOTE: I created a ticket
All have been tested with a new Solution V4.4:
1- From login view and press cancel I reach the address http://localhost:4200/?error=access_denied and it doesn't looks good. UPDATE:It looks bad on Firefox but looks OK in Chrome.
2- When login, I want to logout, if I do not use english language (I tried Finnish, French and Italian), I get stuck on this view, plus the text on the button is missing:
English ok, I have text on the button then I reach the home page
Other languages, text in button is missing and it stay on this page
It still doesn't work:
I login in english, then go to MVC blogging view --> I reach blogging view in english: OK, it works now, it was not before
I login in Finnish, then go to MVC blogging view --> I reach blogging view in Finnish: OK, it works now, it was not before
I login in english, I then change language to finnish after login from my Angular UI, then go to MVC blogging view --> I reach blogging view in english: KO, shoud be in Finnish
I login in Finnish, I then change language to english after login from Angular UI, then go to MVC blogging view --> I reach blogging view in english: KO, shoud be in english
I just tried with a new solution 4.4, the issue is still here
I am trying on the project I am developing on, but it should work after updating no?
I just updated to the version 4.4 but it still exactly the same, it doesn't work
Thanks, I will try it then