it is an remote Url , channel engine is not our project :) Probably it is not an abp project. Can generate-proxy be run only for abp projects?
I have already tried it, unfortunately I got same error
Hı @liangshiwei ,
Yes, but it hasn't UI dashboard. if there was a UI we could use it.
@liangshiwei Could you implement inbox pattern like in eventbus
we changed nothing. we sent connection information to your email.
In my opinion
protected virtual Exception TryToGetActualException(Exception exception)
if (exception.InnerException != null)
if (exception.InnerException is AbpValidationException ||
exception.InnerException is AbpAuthorizationException ||
exception.InnerException is EntityNotFoundException ||
exception.InnerException is IBusinessException)
return exception.InnerException;
return exception;
instead of :
protected virtual Exception TryToGetActualException(Exception exception)
if (exception is AggregateException && exception.InnerException != null)
var aggException = exception as AggregateException;
if (aggException.InnerException is AbpValidationException ||
aggException.InnerException is AbpAuthorizationException ||
aggException.InnerException is EntityNotFoundException ||
aggException.InnerException is IBusinessException)
return aggException.InnerException;
return exception;
I realise user may send me wrong modal screenshot, so we discard ui side of problem for now.
I want to ask while logs.txt is like i am expecting, why AbpAuditLogs different than logs.txt like below
logs.txt (as expecting) :
"code": "Xproject:00132",
"message": "Vergi Dairesi Alanı Eşleşmedi",
AbpAuditLogs :
"code": "Xproject:00132",
"message": "Exception of type 'MyCompany.Xproject.Domain.Addresses.Exceptions.TaxOfficeNotMatchException' was thrown.",
Regarding your message I changed connectionstring name IdentityServer
--> AbpIdentityServer
then db migrator worked successfully.
Hi Maliming, In last message I tried to explain with detail. I already seperated database connection strings and add second dbcontext, but I got error when I run dbmigrator, IdentityServerDataSeedContributor tried to run via Default connection string. It should use IdentityServer connection string.How can I do this?