Activities of "Gary"

Hi, just to close off this error for anyone else who gets it. There was some sort of error in my service, that I think was picked up in the swagger. Fixing the method, in this case by setting it to private fixed it.

I just had it again...

2021-06-18 13:47:09.426 +12:00 [ERR] An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. Volo.Abp.AbpException: Only one complex type allowed as argument to a controller action that's binding source is 'Body'. But SaveBlobBytesAsync (api/app/contact-documents/save-blob-bytes) contains more than one!

Hi Alper, I seem to have figured it out.

Scripts have to be added at the index page level, then they are available to the modals. You can't add them at the modal level. So when I was trying to run scripts in my modal they are not loading. Is this correct?

Hi Alper In my viewImports file are the taghelpers you mention above. However click, ctrl+ click, Alt+click on any component on the cshtml page fails to load any backend code. Mouseover does bring up the label though of AbpScriptTagHelper and I do have the following using @using Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Bootstrap.TagHelpers.Modal

Thanks Maliming. I sort of solved it by giving up on dropzone. :-) Still an issue but I think wrapping the css links in script instead of style didn't help either.

I solved it for anyone else who gets stuck here.

I wanted to update form fields using Jquery to prepoulate fields when a user changes conditions.

If you want to pass in data to a datepicker you have to use Luxon and format it to yyy-LL-dd

$("#Prospectus_DateOfBirth").val(luxon .DateTime .fromISO(data2.dateOfBirth, { locale: }) .toFormat('yyyy-LL-dd'));

Above will take in some data (data2) from abp.ajax and set the date filed, but it will show it with your current culture.

Passing data to a dropdown list is fixed also just pass it in with a val $("#Prospectus_IwiId").val(data2.iwiId);

Hi guys, thanks for your help.

Here is my code. When a user enters a student name, it looks for that name and returns a list of same name details to a dropdown box. As the person chooses an address (Date 2 address in this example) it populates the fields.

Label fields such as Title-Mr and Pacific Island just above Ethnicity show fine. Input fields, such as Preferred Name, Previous Surname, also work fine, But dropdowns such as Title, Ethnicity, and Date Of Birth fail to load.

CreateModel.cshtml - part code

                   <abp-input asp-for="Prospectus.Surname" />
                    <abp-input asp-for="Prospectus.Firstname" />
                    <select class="custom-select form-control" id="StudentSameName" name="state" width="100%">
                        <option value="">No Name Match</option> //select that holds all the students with the sam~~~~e names
                    <label id="TitleName" value="" type="text"> </label>
                    <abp-select asp-for="Prospectus.TitleId" asp-items="Model.TitleLookupList" label="@L["Title"].Value" />
                    <abp-input asp-for="Prospectus.PreferredName" />
                    <abp-input asp-for="Prospectus.PreviousSurname" />
                    <abp-input asp-for="Prospectus.PreviousFirstname" />
                    <abp-input asp-for="Prospectus.AlternativeNames" />
                    <label id="DOBText" value="" type="text"> </label>
                    <abp-input asp-for="Prospectus.DateOfBirth" value="@(Model.Prospectus.DateOfBirth?.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy"))" type="date" />
                    <label id="EthnicityText" value="" type="text"> </label>
                  <abp-select asp-for="Prospectus.EthnicityId" asp-items="Model.EthnicityLookupList" label="@L["Ethnicity"].Value" />

js - part code I have tried all sorts of ways from the net to get the dropdowns to populate, every one has been empty.

                $("#Prospectus_DateOfBirth").val(new Date(data2.dateOfBirth));  // date
                $("#Prospectus_EthnictyId").val(data2.ethnicityId).prop('selected', true);  // dropdown

Thankyou, for your help. I have found out the error, your post gave me the idea, a field in the Prospectus was a different type to the one in Students :-)

Solved it!! It was different version numbers between suite and Dependancies. All set to 4.1.1 and it works.

Success!! Thanks for that, I don't know what caused the errors but they have finally resolved themselves. I have my dropdowns working.

Hi Alper, I am back working on this issue.

I have the same error on build as this thread't-Generate--and--Abp-suite-Can't-update-and-remove

So I uninstalled and reinstalled

That generated the error

Cleaned, rebuilt, spent a few hours ..... Any ideas?

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