When using blazor server, Audit Logs shows "/_blazor" for each HttpRequest property. Altough websockets are used, there should still be proper information in the Auditlog, so we know for which request it is.
Audit logging:
When the paramter is larger than 2000 characters, no parameters are logged.
Is it possible to cut off the parameters at 2000 chars and still log them? The same way 'comments' in audit logs corrently works.
With 4.3.2, we added a Blazor.Server Startup Project to our existing Blazor Project. On Blazor WASM, ABP automatically shows Error Dialogs for exceptions, e.g. for validations or UserFriendlyExceptions.
On Server side blazor no dialog is shown, instead, the whole client freezes. What must be done to get the ABP Error Dialog on Blazor.Server?
How to reproduce:
Thanks you!
There are 2 main issues:
My questions:
In the documentation, there is no information on how to use all our company brand colors with ABP commercial Lapton Theme. https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/UI/Blazor/Branding
What we did:
/* Your Global Styles */
.btn.btn-primary {
color: #fff;
background-color: #1fb787;
border-color: #12b581;
.lp-opened-sidebar .lp-sidebar, .lp-closed .lp-sidebar {
background: #1fb787;
background: linear-gradient(7deg, #1fb787, #78c6be);
:root {
--primary: #1fb787;
--secondary: #78c6be;
--sidebar-bg: #1fb787;
header {
background: #78c6be;
Now there are still many small things missing, like focused inputfield color or cancel btn colors,..
Is there somewhere a documentation what needs to be done to change all colors?
Thank you!
Documentation https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Background-Jobs says that the jobsname can be set via an argument: [BackgroundJobName("emails")]
But in Hangfire, the jobname is then still "HangfireJobExecutionAdapter<EmailArgs>.Execute" instead of "emails".
How can the jobname be set?
Good morning,
I have hangfire job parameters that needs a custom serializer to be serialized.
For newtonsoft, I can add it like this:
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings {Formatting = Formatting.Indented};
settings.Converters.Add(new LhirModelsJsonConverter());
var serializedData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bundle, settings);
How is it possible to define this custom serializer for a specific job, so that it is automatically used for serialization and deserialization of its arguments? I do not want to manually serialize the data before each insert and deserialize on the worker.
I use hangfire with the abp backgroundjob interface:
public class FhirInsertArgs
public LhirData LhirData { get; set; }
_backgroundJobManager.EnqueueAsync(new LhirInsertArgs
LhirData = serializedData
Best regards and thank you for your help, Kevin