Activities of "yekalkan"


You can download the source code of Lepton Theme on Abp Suite, it will include @volo/ package source code.

Alternatively, you can use abp get-source Volo.LeptonTheme cli command.

Note: If downloaded files don't include @volo/, then delete files in "%USERPROFILE%/.abp/templates" folder and download again.

Hi @yinchang,

Now you can download the source code of Lepton Theme on Abp Suite, it will include @volo/ package source code.

Alternatively, you can use abp get-source Volo.LeptonTheme command.

Hi @shobnit

Run DBMigrator but not table get created

is ConfigureChat(); added to *MigrationsDbContext class OnModelCreating method?

Not sure what exactly todo in step

You need to add the configuration mentioned in document to *HttpApiHostModule OnApplicationInitialization method like below:


@dmeagor Problem with Shout.Crm namespace is a bug. It will be fixed in next release v4.0.1 (next week)

Open module .sln file and all the host projects fail to open as they are not created (did you intend to create them.)

They shouldn't exist. But it seems like somehow they are still in solution file. We'll check.

@shobhit Tomorrow (3 december 2020)

Hi @yinchang,

You can send an email to to get the source code of @volo/ package.

We'll provide an automated way for this in next versions.

Hi @shobhit,

This is a known issue and will be fixed with v4.0.0 release which will be released in several days.


Payment module doesn't have an Angular UI. See UI Frameworks section in Payment Module Page

To have full source code of the module (without missing any packages), you can run abp get-source Volo.Payment command or download it from Abp Suite modules page.


I've followed the documentation to test your issue and managed to install Chat module successfully. So, it seems like you have a missing configuration or dependency.

Most probably, your {ProjectName}.HttpApi.Host project doesn't reference Volo.Chat.SignalR package and therefore it is not depend on ChatSignalRModule module. If it does both of these, make sure that you've not skipped SignalR Access Token Configuration for Angular Projects part which should be done in {ProjectName}.HttpApi.Host project as well.

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