Not Exactly, basically we need to validate AccessToken and create a user claimns and send the user to login page. If needed we may add new controller in our Web/Auth server as well.
I remember that native apps like android and ios apps don't have cookies, make a mobile login page to send a request to the token endpoint is a better way.
Hi @Liangshiwei, yes we are able to use the generate the token by calling token URL, but our main query is what is way to login into the application by passing generated token and avoid login challange during this process
Hi, We are buiding our own Mobie Application and would like to have the Login page (not in Identity Server) with in App. We are able to add the additional Clients and configuration to generate the access_token by passing the respective parameters.
We are not sure what are the cookies or methods that need to be invoived in order to establish the session and redirect to out Web Layer Home page. If you can share some info that would be great.
we'll test and get back to you
Sure will be waiting for ur response.
Hi We would like to get the Data from MongoDB by grouping the same. It seems ur MongoDB repository is not having a support for Aggregation/Pipeline/UnWind usage (correct us if we are worng)
For Example: We would like
Let me know if you need any info.
Somwhow we are able to get that issue fixed by changing the way of configuring the elsa. Thanks for the support.
private void ConfigureElsa(ServiceConfigurationContext context, IConfiguration configuration)
elsa =>
.AddMongoDbStores(configuration, databaseName: "AppV3_Elsa", connectionStringName: "ElsaServiceMongoDb");
.AddEmailActivities(options => options.Bind(configuration.GetSection("Elsa:Smtp")))
.AddHttpActivities(options => options.Bind(configuration.GetSection("Elsa:Server")))
.AddTimerActivities(options => options.Bind(configuration.GetSection("Elsa:Timers")));
context.Services.AddElsaDashboard(options => options.Configure(x => x.ActivityDefinitions
//Disable antiforgery validation for elsa
Configure<AbpAntiForgeryOptions>(options =>
options.AutoValidateFilter = type =>
type.Assembly != typeof(Elsa.Dashboard.Areas.Elsa.Controllers.HomeController).Assembly;
options.AutoValidateFilter = type =>
type.Assembly != typeof(Elsa.WorkflowDesigner.ViewComponents.WorkflowDesignerViewComponent).Assembly;
options.AutoValidateFilter = type =>
type.Assembly != typeof(Elsa.Dashboard.Areas.Elsa.Controllers.WorkflowDefinitionController).Assembly;
options.AutoValidateFilter = type =>
type.Assembly != typeof(Elsa.Dashboard.Areas.Elsa.Controllers.WorkflowInstanceController).Assembly;
ABP Framework version: v4.3 UI type: MVCDB provider: EF Core / MongoDB Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes , Microservice Architecture Exception message and stack trace:
We are trying to integrate elsa dashboard, it worked perfectly in Application template, but when we try to integrate in microservice based ABP solution getting following error when accessing the elsa dashboard.
@yekalkan thanks
We'll consider to SweetAlert2
Yes really confusing which leads to loss of one support ticket, can we get it back?
We would like to show the error message with html content.
It is clear that is using Sweet alert, but it is bit confusing. In one page it says SweetArt ( and in some other page it says SweetAlert2. (
Actually as per the SweetALert2 documentation HTML in Alert message is supported ( , if is using sweetAlert2 we should be having the same support with abp.message.error but its not. can you please guide us.