Activities of "talhazengin"

In Turkish language there are typos.

I implemented QuartzBackgroundWorkerBase for my background worker.

The trigger code is this:

Trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
        builder => builder.StartingDailyAt(TimeOfDay.HourAndMinuteOfDay(X, Y)).EndingDailyAfterCount(1))

Worker triggers the job one time, but Execute method runs 3 times even i used [DisallowConcurrentExecution] attribute for the worker class. I tried many scheduler combinations, but without success.

What can be the problem? It looks like a threading issue. I don't think the problem is with Quartz framework.

I am working with an abp background worker.

When i injected a repository, scoped or not scoped. The repository only supplies data for tenantless (current tenant is null) records of the entity (entity is a MultiTenant entity). But the system has many tenants. As i see the repository only supplies tenantless records when there is not a current tenant.

I want to inject my entity repository to reach all the records of my entity from all the sources, i mean all the tenant and not tenant related records (tenantfull and tenantless).

How can i do this? Thanks.

Abp suite CRUD code generation creates GetListAsync methods in Applications Services, but this method gives paged results.

Is there a way to get all the data with this method without implementing a new GetList method?

Task<PagedResultDto<EntityDto>> GetListAsync(GetEntityInput input)

Yes, i am working with an application template not a module template.

Abp Cli 2.2.1 Abp Suite 2.2.1


We encountering null reference problem when using lazy CurrentTenant, CurrentUser or other lazy properties.

But when we inject them through constructor as like ICurrentTenant there is no problem.

Are we missing a simple thing?



I wanted to write a solution for a question which i opened before. But the system says;

The question(thread) is Angular UI Login Page Missing Menu Items #5

For your info, Talha Zengin


When we login for the admin, encountered missing menu items.

When we create a template using embedded identity server, we can see the menu items. (not separate) But when we are using separate identity server, this problem occurs.

Are there any missing claims in the database ?


I am not sure the problem is in my side but,

Now i created a template solution from abp suite and made Update-Database from package manager console. When i looked to database, i can't see any data on tables. Thus project does not works as expected. Maybe i am doing something wrong but it says migration succesfull and i used -Verbose mode.

Abp CLI 2.0.1 Abp Suite 2.0.1

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-rc.1. Updated on January 17, 2025, 14:13