How i can have identiy server module for 4.2.2
Hi Team, We have hidden "Tenant selection" control in login page. Now we would like to pass the "tenantId" either in request header or as query string but it is not working. In header we are passing "__tenant" and in query string we have tried with "tenantId" parameter.
Hello maliming, "Email Confirmation" link is working fine for host but not working for tenant. Getting below error:
ApplicationException: Current tenant is different than given tenant. CurrentTenant.Id: , given tenantId: 289f26e2-b3b5-3989-274c-39ff6bddef81
Hello maliming, Thanks for link. But can you help me more preciously what classes i have to extend. For ex. regarding point 1, i got one answer
An admin user, registers a new user
A user do self register
A user do self login first time via LDAP/ AzureAD (user registeration is inbuilt process if user doesn't exist)
A Role assigned or removed from the user
hi Team, i Have following queries:
Hi Team, I need class and method name which get invoked when. I have to extend these class on top of existing feature, if possible please share sample.
No Problem maliming. Issue resolved after fresh build.