Activities of "selinkoykiran"

Of course , could be , Here are our configurations :

**OdmsDbContextModelCreatingExtensions inside: **

            /* Configure all entities here. */
            builder.Entity<Model>(b =>
                b.ToTable(OdmsDbProperties.DbTablePrefix + "Models", OdmsDbProperties.DbSchema);
                b.Property(x => x.SchemaName).HasMaxLength(ModelConsts.MaxSchemaNameLength).HasColumnName(nameof(Model.SchemaName)).IsRequired();
                b.Property(x => x.ServerName).HasMaxLength(ModelConsts.MaxServerNameLength).HasColumnName(nameof(Model.ServerName)).IsRequired();
                b.Property(x => x.DatabaseType).HasMaxLength(ModelConsts.MaxDatabaseTypeLength).HasColumnName(nameof(Model.DatabaseType));
                b.Property(x => x.Password).HasMaxLength(ModelConsts.MaxEncryptedPasswordLength).HasColumnName(nameof(Model.Password));
                b.Property(x => x.Version).HasMaxLength(ModelConsts.MaxVersionLength).HasColumnName(nameof(Model.Version));
                // Relations
                b.HasMany<Export>(m => m.Exports).WithOne(e => e.Model).HasForeignKey(e => e.ModelId).IsRequired();
                b.HasMany<Import>(m => m.Imports).WithOne(i => i.Model).HasForeignKey(i => i.ModelId).IsRequired();
                b.HasMany<Source>(m => m.Sources).WithOne(s => s.Model).HasForeignKey(s => s.ModelId).IsRequired();
                // Index
                b.HasIndex(x => new { x.SchemaName });
                b.Navigation(x => x.Exports).HasField("_exports");

            builder.Entity<Export>(b =>
                b.ToTable(OdmsDbProperties.DbTablePrefix + "Exports", OdmsDbProperties.DbSchema);
                b.Property(x => x.ModelId).HasColumnName(nameof(Export.ModelId)).IsRequired();
                b.Property(x => x.OperationId).HasColumnName(nameof(Export.OperationId)).IsRequired();
                b.Property(x => x.ExportType).HasMaxLength(ExportConsts.MaxExportTypeLength).HasColumnName(nameof(Export.ExportType)).IsRequired();
                b.Property(x => x.Result).HasMaxLength(ExportConsts.MaxResultLength).HasColumnName(nameof(Export.Result)).IsRequired();
                // Value object
                b.OwnsOne(x => x.ExportFile, p =>
                    p.Property(x => x.StorageId).HasColumnName(ExportConsts.ExportFileIdColumnName);
                    p.Property(x => x.Name).HasColumnName(ExportConsts.ExportFileNameColumnName);
                    p.Ignore(x => x.NameOnly);
                    p.Ignore(x => x.FullName);
                    p.Ignore(x => x.ModelType);
                    // Index
                    p.HasIndex(x => x.Name);
                }).Navigation(x => x.ExportFile).IsRequired();


**Domain Manager layer inside : **

        public virtual async Task HardDeleteExportAsync(string schemaName, string serverName, Guid fileId)
            Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(schemaName, nameof(schemaName), ModelConsts.MaxSchemaNameLength);
            Check.NotNullOrWhiteSpace(serverName, nameof(serverName), ModelConsts.MaxServerNameLength);

            // Get model from database with conditional exports 
            var model = await ModelRepository.FindWithExportDetailAsync(
                x => x.IsDeleted == true && x.ExportFile.StorageId == fileId,
                includeDetails: true // includeDetails: Set true to include all children of this aggregate

            if (model == null)
                throw new ModelDoesNotExistException(
                    schemaName: schemaName,
                    serverName: serverName

            //NOTE => below code not working if we have a cascade delete relation but we want to delete only children , not with parent. we need to do it from repository layer
            model.RemoveAllExports(); //model.HardDeleteExport(fileId);

            await ModelRepository.UpdateAsync(model,true);

FindWithExportDetailAsync inside which is inside repository layer :

        public virtual async Task<Model> FindWithExportDetailAsync(string schemaName, string serverName, Expression<Func<Export, bool>> expression, bool includeDetails = true, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            return await (await GetDbSetAsync())
                .IncludeExportDetail(expression, includeDetails)  // Include only exports
                .Where(x => x.SchemaName == schemaName && x.ServerName == serverName)
                .FirstOrDefaultAsync(GetCancellationToken(cancellationToken)); // Returns null if not found

IncludeExportDetail method inside :

        public static IQueryable<Model> IncludeExportDetail(this IQueryable<Model> queryable, Expression<Func<Export, bool>> predicate, bool include = true)
            if (!include)
                return queryable;

            return queryable
                x => x.Exports.AsQueryable()

Model aggregate root and removeExport method

public class Model : AuditedAggregateRoot<Guid>, IMultiTenant // Using Guid type as the Id key
    public Guid? TenantId { get; protected set; }

    public virtual string SchemaName { get; protected set; } // Value object can be created for primitive types. There is no such requirement in the web API. Inputs are validated in the HTTP layer.

    public virtual string ServerName { get; protected set; } // Value object can be created for primitive types. There is no such requirement in the web API. Inputs are validated in the HTTP layer.

    public virtual DatabaseType DatabaseType { get; protected set; }

    public virtual string Password { get; protected set; }

    public virtual string Version { get; protected set; }

    // Don't expose mutable collections in an aggregate
    public virtual IReadOnlyCollection<Export> Exports
            return _exports?.ToList(); // Paged operation may return without sub collection. If null then do not turn into list 

    private readonly ICollection<Export> _exports;

    public virtual void RemoveAllExports()
        // NOTE => Clear ,or new, or removeall not working when dealing with ef core because of it only clear the list , and parent doesn't know about the relational children deletion.

Yes, you should already update the aggregate root normally after children entities changes. So I've tried and that's the problem which is not working even if updating aggregate root. I don't think it's because of private field because we are using backing fields actually , and in a normal ef core project it's working as expected for example :



And the operation below is working :

Because of this simple ef core project is working without problem , we think that if this issue about abp efcore implementation? I can show our configuration anytime , adding and saving changes working perfectly but in deletion , removing step with that backing fields , could it be an issue ?

Don't understand the last message , you'll be checking the issue right ?

Thanks , I've already tried this approach but this time no hangfire jobs are registered. So for now I'll be waiting for the other issue solution I think. As a result of this topic , I understand that we shouldn't override a module if there isn't any problem, right ? Thank you.

Ok thank you, we'll be calling SetAsync() method before.

Actually I don't want to change options I want to change for example OnApplicationInitialization method behaviour because of an internal module error . I've also opened the issue related with this topic , you can check the specific case from below link :

But I'll try your module approach. Note => If the issue in the link above will be fixing , we don't even need to change the module.

Hello , Normally I shouldn't reach the entity repository like that from DDD manner , It's not a best practice. Because I should delete them from aggregate repository, so normally we don't have any repositories for entity itself. Anyway I've tried this approach , too. But it didn't work.

Ok, thanks for the information.

Is this the abp design or it comes from Ef core ORM usage ? Because normally when you directly listen table changes from sql we can catch the changes. I understand that abp's pre-built events do not support this cascade deletion , right ?

Hello , Is there any spesific reason to choose netstandard as target framework ? If we change all layers to .net5 , will we run into an unexpected error ?

Thank you.

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