Is there any near future plan that ABP SUITE will support Microservices template ?
Thanks alper, will try this.
Even if I am able to achive it while generating the required http post web request payload, it's a temporary solution so is this going to get resolved in any upcoming version?
Thanks - Prasad G
Couldn't find any file like Frontend.Mvc.Page.Partials.editcshtmlcsLookupDropdownOnGet.txt anywhere in the solution. Issue still persists.
Thanks alper But the workaround is not working because even if I remove xxxxx and build it then it builds successfully. Then if I again click "Save and Generate", it's again adding xxxxxx characters in CreateModal.cshtml.cs & EditModal.cshtml.cs by it's own, so getting same below exception again & again. Need to wait for next version ?
Hi yekalkan
I am able to achive it while generating the required http post web request payload for http://localhost:3000/api/abpSuite/addSolution. Now it's explicitly adding any new project created by ABP CLI in ABP SUITE.
Thanks - Prasad G
Thanks yekalkan But do we have any ABP CLI Command to add given solution in ABP SUITE ? Because I dont wan't use ABP SUITE browser to add existing solution. Basically I need to get Solution Id which is created using ABP CLI. I am trying to generate payload for CRUD generator which requires Solution Id in Url Ex:(http://localhost:3000/api/abpSuite/crudPageGenerator/a85652b9-a833-4bb6-ac08-7481b10b8944/save-and-generate-entity)
Is there any way to get the Solution Id which is created using ABP CLI.
Thanks - Prasad G
Even if we get the sample Blazor BookStore Project [] then also we can find similar javascript errors.