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We have created an entity with a field where we store a JSON object. On this entity we also use AuditLogging which is very important to us. The field where we store the JSON object is of type VARCHAR(MAX). When a change is written in the audit log the JSON is capped to 512 characters as the field "OriginalValue" and "NewValue" in the table "AbpEntityPropertyChanges" are only VARCHAR(512).
We changed the entity configuration to the config below, created a migration and applied changes to the database:
builder.Entity< Volo.Abp.AuditLogging.EntityPropertyChange >().Property(x => x.OriginalValue).Metadata.RemoveAnnotation("MaxLength");
builder.Entity< Volo.Abp.AuditLogging.EntityPropertyChange >().Property(x => x.NewValue).Metadata.RemoveAnnotation("MaxLength");
builder.Entity< Volo.Abp.AuditLogging.EntityPropertyChange >().Property(x => x.OriginalValue).HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)");
builder.Entity< Volo.Abp.AuditLogging.EntityPropertyChange >().Property(x => x.NewValue).HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)");
Also we changed the MaxNewValueLength and MaxOriginalValueLength to 1.000.000
EntityPropertyChangeConsts.MaxNewValueLength = 1000000;
EntityPropertyChangeConsts.MaxOriginalValueLength = 1000000;
In the Constructor (shown in codeblock below) of the EntityPropertyChange it truncates the value based upon MaxNewValueLength and MaxOriginalValueLength so setting it to 1000000 should store all info but in the database the original and new value are still 512 characters. Is there another place where the data is truncated? How can I fix this so that the full JSON object can be stored in the audit log?
public EntityPropertyChange(
IGuidGenerator guidGenerator,
Guid entityChangeId,
EntityPropertyChangeInfo entityChangeInfo,
Guid? tenantId = null)
Id = guidGenerator.Create();
TenantId = tenantId;
EntityChangeId = entityChangeId;
NewValue = entityChangeInfo.NewValue.Truncate(EntityPropertyChangeConsts.MaxNewValueLength);
OriginalValue = entityChangeInfo.OriginalValue.Truncate(EntityPropertyChangeConsts.MaxOriginalValueLength);
PropertyName = entityChangeInfo.PropertyName.TruncateFromBeginning(EntityPropertyChangeConsts.MaxPropertyNameLength);
PropertyTypeFullName = entityChangeInfo.PropertyTypeFullName.TruncateFromBeginning(EntityPropertyChangeConsts.MaxPropertyTypeFullNameLength);
Also on the AuditLog we have a form which is multipart/form-data, this form is posted to the razorpage. In the audit log of the post we don't see all the data that is posted to the razorpage. Is there a way to show all the posted data in the audit log? We need this as 'proof' of what someone has posted. I see that when the ApplicationService is called it logs all data that is send to the ApplicationService method but we would like to log the posted data (without the posted files...)