Activities of "nhontran"

Hi @liangshiwei, we don't have plan to upgrade the version yet, is there any work around to fix this performance issue?


  1. Are there any impacts to our current version, v3.3.2 if we replace the js files to the latest via the bundle system? If so, what are they?
  2. With regards to jQuery-form, can you confirm that the vulnerable functionality is not being used by the application?

I have uploaded the log at the link below:!ApPUoIZEMrYMtn3IJjd1tuCyT72O?e=YbygD8

And the testing project:!ApPUoIZEMrYMtnyLclv1FrijY-o_?e=qzKjg3

Could you please help us take a look, thank you.

Hi @maliming,

Sorry for my late reply, I have shared the code to your email, please help us take a look.

var product = ObjectMapper.Map<ProductCreateDto, Product>(input);

// create product 1
product = await _productRepository.InsertAsync(product, autoSave: true);

// issue: product 1 was not created when I was debugging to this return line of code
return ObjectMapper.Map<Product, ProductDto>(product);

Hi @liangshiwei, I have followed your instruction, I can see a section to configure the module connection string. However, the "Apply database migrations" does not work, can advise on how to resolve the issue? or what are the next steps?

Hi @liangshiwei, do you mean that the HttpApi.Host is not production-ready?

The module template is used for creating a service/microservices:

if it's not production-ready then how to deploy it as a microservice?

Hi @liangshiwei, I just tried the module template version 4.4.4 to check the individual connection strings for module, but I found there is still only 1 connection string when creating new tenant, where is a place to configure the connection string for module?

And I found one issue is when I keyed in the connection string and clicked "Apply database migrations":

I wait for a while but nothing happened, no database created, no error logs in both HttpApi and IdentityServer, is it a known bug?

Hi @liangshiwei, please ignore it, I have found the release:

4.4 (2021-08-02)
See the detailed blog post / announcement for the v4.4.
Allow to set multiple connection strings for each tenant, to separate a tenant's database per module/microservice.

Let me take a look on it.

Thank you.

Hi @liangshiwei, May I know from which version that Abp supports individual connection string for each module? I will try to take a look on it.

Thank you.

Hi @liangshiwei, thanks for your prompt reply!

I am still not quite clear about the solution. My understanding is the Abp Framework allows only 1 connection string when update the tenant, how does it know that this connection string is for the Main or Module?

Let's say I want to go with the option 1: having separate database for Module and share the same database for Main,

And I tried it before by setting the connection string pointing to the separate Module database (this database I created manually by executing the "dotnet ef database update" command)

Tenant connection string:

Module database

But when I tried to login to tenant, it prompted the error could not find the IdentityServer tables in the new database as I reported above.

Could you help me elaborate more on this solution?

Thank you.

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