I moved us project from blazor wasm to server.
We use devexpress datagrid for some pages => https://demos.devexpress.com/blazor/BindGridtoData#CustomData
For implement server side paging, sort, group by, summary we use https://github.com/DevExpress/DevExtreme.AspNet.Data as devex suggested
Basically DevExtreme.AspNet.Data manipulate IQueryable object by input object (take,skip,where,select,group by etc..)
To provide that, my api have DataSourceLoadOptionsBase input object => https://github.com/DevExpress/DevExtreme.AspNet.Data/blob/master/net/DevExtreme.AspNet.Data/DataSourceLoadOptionsBase.cs
you can see in the example https://docs.devexpress.com/Blazor/DevExpress.Blazor.DataSourceLoadOptionsExtensions.ConvertToGetRequestUri%28DevExtreme.AspNet.Data.DataSourceLoadOptionsBase-System.String%29#remarks
using var response = await Client.GetAsync(options.ConvertToGetRequestUri(dataEndpointUri), cancellationToken);
options type is DataSourceLoadOptionsBase, extension method convert it GetRequestUri format.
But i can not intervene dynamic http proxy system before send request to api.. because of that i call api with http client manual way. You can see example below from devex
protected async Task<LoadResult> LoadCustomData(string dataEndpointUri, DataSourceLoadOptionsBase options, CancellationToken cancellationToken) {
using var response = await Client.GetAsync(options.ConvertToGetRequestUri(dataEndpointUri), cancellationToken);
using var responseStream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
return await JsonSerializer.DeserializeAsync<LoadResult>(responseStream, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
Hi @maliming how get i get token from blazor server ? IAccessTokenProvider not avaible there
We are also waiting
Hi @yekalkan , suite (module template) not create blazor server host project.
Thanks @maliming its worked, by the way IHttpClientProxy could share current httpclient object to us (ready to use) if we need call custom api.. i need set base url and auth
abp suite v4.3 not create module host project for blazor server
When i create module template with suite, in host folder for Blazor.Server host project not created and preconfigured will you add that next release?as I remember this is fixed in the next version
on rc-2 not work
Hi, When i create module template with suite, in host folder for Blazor.Server host project not created and preconfigured will you add that next release?