Activities of "muhammedaltug"


You can change the settings related to Lepton Theme on the Administration > Settings > Lepton Theme page. For changing the theme you can change the style select's value (Dark Blue Theme style value is Style4).


You can customize UI by downloading the source code. Please follow the steps below. Note: Please be sure working in clean git directory

  1. Run command below in your aspnet-core folder
    abp add-module Volo.Chat --with-source-code --add-to-solution-file
  2. Run the command below in your root folder and delete modules folder which is in aspnet-core folder.
    git restore --source=HEAD --staged --worktree -- aspnet-core
  3. Finally add the Chat module again to your project by running the below command in your aspnet-core directory
     abp add-module Volo.Chat


We will consider these requests. You can follow issues statuses in and


I made an example for pagination of the user list.

<!-- dev-extreme.component.html -->
<dx-data-grid [dataSource]="users" [remoteOperations]="true">
  <dxi-column dataField="userName"></dxi-column>
  <dxi-column dataField="name"></dxi-column>
  <dxi-column dataField="surname"></dxi-column>
  <dxi-column dataField="email"></dxi-column>
  <dxi-column dataField="phoneNumber"></dxi-column>
  <dxo-paging [pageSize]="1"></dxo-paging>
  <dxo-pager [showPageSizeSelector]="true" [allowedPageSizes]="[1, 2]"></dxo-pager>
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { IdentityUserService } from '@volo/';
import CustomStore from 'devextreme/data/custom_store';

  selector: 'app-dev-extreme',
  templateUrl: './dev-extreme.component.html'
export class DevExtremeComponent {
  users = new CustomStore({
    key: 'id',
    load: (loadOptions: any) => {
      const params = {
        skipCount: loadOptions.skip,
        maxResultCount: loadOptions.take,
      return this.service
        .then(data => ({
          data: data.items,
          totalCount: data.totalCount,
        .catch(error => {
          throw 'Data Loading Error';

  constructor(public service: IdentityUserService) {}


Can you share /api/file-management/directory-descriptor endpoint response ? If item.iconInfo.type equals to 0 i element will be rendered. Otherwise, img element will be rendered.

When I searched for Maximum call stack size exceeded error I found an issue in ngx-datatable repository. It seems related to angular. I created an issue for this error. I will notify you when we found a solution to this error.


Attribute usage of AbpPermissionDirective is deprecated in 4.0 version and deleted in 5.0 version. Please use the structural directive instead of the attribute directive.

You can look at the related issue for more information.


We use the angular-oauth2-oidc package for authentication. If the rxjs package version is 7.x this case happens. Please downgrade rxjs version 6.x


Setting definitions does not support blob types. You can make this feature by following the steps below.

  1. Make an endpoint for file upload.
  2. Create your setting class like in the document (Note: You need to create SettingDefinition with IsVisibleToClients parameter's value true)
  3. Add your component to the settings tab like in the document
  4. Make an input file and upload the file with your file upload endpoint in your setting component.
  5. Update setting value with image path
  6. Create logo component and replace logo component with existing, like the following example
import { ConfigStateService } from '@abp/ng.core';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-my-logo',
  template: `&lt;a
export class MyLogoComponent {
  bgUrl = `url("${this.configState.getSetting('YOUR_SETTING')}”)`;
  constructor(private configState: ConfigStateService) {

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { eThemeLeptonComponents } from '@volo/';
import { MyLogoComponent } from './my-logo.component';
  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
export class AppComponent {
    private replaceableComponentsService: ReplaceableComponentsService
  ) {
      component: MyLogoComponent,
      key: eThemeLeptonComponents.Logo,


Language selection, User menu and Full screen items added by theme lepton via NavItemsService

You can remove these items using NavItemsService.


  1. Declare a variable in environments which named environmentName
// environment.ts
export const environmentName = 'dev'
export const environmentName = 'prod'
  1. Inject NavItemsService in your app.component.ts and check your environment and delete item
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NavItemsService } from '@abp/ng.theme.shared';
import { environmentName } from '../environments/environment';
import { eThemeLeptonComponents } from '@volo/';
  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private navItems: NavItemsService) {
    // Check environment is prod
    if (environmentName.match('prod')) {


Sorry for the late response.

Thanks for reporting the issue.

These warnings are not a blocker for your application.

We will update the ngx-datatable package version to 20 at ABP 5.3 version.

If you want to update this package in your project please add the following lines in your package.json

  "resolutions": {
    "@swimlane/ngx-datatable": "20.0.0"
Showing 211 to 220 of 254 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-rc.1. Updated on January 17, 2025, 14:13