Currently, proxy generation in angular microservice templates needs extra steps. We will work on this. Please follow steps in gist
Note: Url parameter for angular proxy generation started to be supported in abp cli 5.2.2 and @abp/ng.schematics package version 5.2.2.
not working
I also try with ProductService, and is not working
abp generate-proxy -t ng -m ProductService -u https://localhost:44361 --target product-service
[07:27:41 INF] ABP CLI (https://abp.io)
[07:27:42 INF] Version 5.3.2 (Stable)
npm WARN config global --global
, --local
are deprecated. Use --location=global
[Invalid Module] Backend module "ProductService" does not exist in API definition.
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded at getConstructorName (node:internal/util/inspect:575:9) at formatRaw (node:internal/util/inspect:827:23) at formatValue (node:internal/util/inspect:817:10) at inspect (node:internal/util/inspect:347:10) at formatWithOptionsInternal (node:internal/util/inspect:2167:40) at format (node:internal/util/inspect:2021:10) at console.warn (D:\Repositories\NebulOS\Elevos.Phoenix\apps\angular-pcr\node_modules@angular\cli\lib\cli\index.js:45:39) at Observable._trySubscribe (D:\Repositories\NebulOS\Elevos.Phoenix\apps\angular-pcr\node_modules@abp\ng.schematics\node_modules\rxjs\internal\Observable.js:55:25) at Observable.subscribe (D:\Repositories\NebulOS\Elevos.Phoenix\apps\angular-pcr\node_modules@abp\ng.schematics\node_modules\rxjs\internal\Observable.js:30:22) at MergeMapOperator.call (D:\Repositories\NebulOS\Elevos.Phoenix\apps\angular-pcr\node_modules@abp\ng.schematics\node_modules\rxjs\internal\operators\mergeMap.js:37:23)
I think is a mistake on the steps
abp generate-proxy -t ng -m myService -u https://service-url --target my-service
should be MyService based on the example documentation in environment.ts
the link should contain: swagger.json api-definition.json
I am using latest NodeJs version I also tried dotnet tool uninstall -g volo.abp.cli dotnet tool install -g volo.abp.cli --version 5.1.1 and run again the abp generate-proxy -t ng -url https://localhost:45048 abp generate-proxy -t ng -url https://localhost:44325 abp generate-proxy -t ng -url https://localhost:44361
45048 is the port for my new service 44325 is the gateway 44361 is productservice
no one is working, all of them ends on [Invalid Module] Backend module "app" does not exist in API definition.
My new service has custom endpoints
I think you should provide a way to create new clients, like angular and react native for microservice template, maybe throw the abp cli as new requirement
In fact I would like to add new theme based on lepton, not to customize one of the 6, I would like to add one more to the list, and apply it to my angular projects or keep it on profile settings
There is an easy way to create client apps, just base infrastructure for microservices?
Enviroment: apps: - angular => access to: [administration, saas] - angular => access to: [service 2] - angular / pwa => access to: [service 1, service 2] - react native => access to: [service 1] - react native => access to: [service 2] - angular / pwa (offline) (desktop windows, mac optional) => access to: [service 3, service 2] services - saas - administration - identity - product - service 1 - service 2 - service 3
I just need basic setup with basic config to use lepton theme with outh no extra modules, like administration just empty and dummy structure for clients inside microservice template.
Or could you tell me which modules I have to delete from angular template to not break anything?