I have a ticket for .net conversion, should i ask this question there insstead?
Yes, Please.
cant we manually set the ispersistant to keep the cookie or prevent the session from dying?
Account.Pro module has the same code, you can always set RememberMe to true.
hi shobhit
Identity Server 4 has a lot of breaking changes, have you applied to your project?
According to the design of Identity cookie authentication, if you do not check Remember me, the cookie life is session. If the browser is closed or it thinks that the session has ended, your cookies will become invalid.
hi RonaldR
I will check it. : )
https://github.com/oracle/dotnet-db-samples/issues/81#issuecomment-728258466 we're still on track for a December/January Oracle EF Core 5 release.
https://www.nuget.org/packages/Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore is supported net 5.0 but it not free library.
You can wait for Oracle
or try Devart
, otherwise you can only use net core 3.x.
The versions of all Abp/Volo
packages should be the same.
Well will check your license : )
hi @toan.nguyen
has not to support net 5.0 yet. We will publish this package immediately when it is available.
https://www.nuget.org/packages/Oracle.EntityFrameworkCore/ https://github.com/oracle/dotnet-db-samples/issues/81