Activities of "liangshiwei"


You can implement a simple news system.

For example, create a table News:

  • Message
  • ExpirationData

Use the layout hook system to create a NewsComponent to display the news.

PS: News systems can get very complex based on your use case. you can add type for news(release, information etc...) and separate display logic for each type


You can try to override the SendPasswordResetCodeAsync method to handle the exception.

For example:

[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public class MyAccountAppService: AccountAppService
   public MyAccountAppService(
       IdentityUserManager userManager,
       IAccountEmailer accountEmailer,
       IAccountPhoneService phoneService,
       IIdentityRoleRepository roleRepository,
       IdentitySecurityLogManager identitySecurityLogManager,
       IBlobContainer<AccountProfilePictureContainer> accountProfilePictureContainer,
       ISettingManager settingManager,
       IOptions<IdentityOptions> identityOptions,
       IIdentitySecurityLogRepository securityLogRepository) : base(userManager, accountEmailer, phoneService, roleRepository, identitySecurityLogManager, accountProfilePictureContainer, settingManager, identityOptions, securityLogRepository)
   public override async Task SendPasswordResetCodeAsync(SendPasswordResetCodeDto input)
           var user = await GetUserByEmail(input.Email);
           var resetToken = await UserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user);
           await AccountEmailer.SendPasswordResetLinkAsync(user, resetToken, input.AppName, input.ReturnUrl, input.ReturnUrlHash);
       catch (Exception e)
           throw new UserFriendlyException("custom message");



Yes, the way is to override the TokenController.

but I couldn't find the controller in Volo.Abp.OpenIddict.Controllers namespace.

Are you using the OpenIddict? you need to custom it in the AuthServer(if exists) or HttpApi.Host project


You can try :

using (CurrentTenant.Change(null))
    return L[name];


ABP checks the license on development. when you publish the application or run it on Production. ABP will not check the license.

You can see the details:


I will check it.

Could you share your account (username&password)with me?


It's working for me.

I don't know what's your steps, can you share them with me? I will check it.


You can try abp get-source Volo.SettingManagement command


Can you share the ** full steps** to reproduce? thanks.

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-rc.1. Updated on January 17, 2025, 14:13