Activities of "liangshiwei"



Unfortunately, it's hard to do because it requires you to customize the ABP source code.

reason why we don't want to upgrade to latest version is we still using identity server if we upgrade to latest version we are forcing to change many things in current project.

Hi, you will not miss something. we still release the IdentityServer can keep using it


Are you using the IdentityServer or OpenIddict as a auth server? because from 6.0.0 the app template uses OpenIddict by default.

We will enhance it in the next version

I use your site key and site secret, and it also works.

I think it is more related to your local environment. can we have a meeting? I'd like to check it remotely.


Try await serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<MRSDbMigrationService>().MigrateAsync();


It has nothing to do with the theme, and lepton theme also works for me.

I think you are specifying the wrong version.

I could reproduce the problem if I specify version 3 but use version 2 site key and site secret


It's working for me.

Site key: 6LetWMwZAAAAABU_tYdnlB54yJx-06FsWqfc27Ee Site secret 6LetWMwZAAAAAEMvn9TxKHcji45_ZM7TFGXMHO2q


You need to use the data seeding system to initial data:


I will check it


Yes, it's possible, but it has a lot of work to do and breaks the existing framework design.


public class MyRolePermissionManagementProvider : RolePermissionManagementProvider
    public MyRolePermissionManagementProvider(
        IPermissionGrantRepository permissionGrantRepository,
        IGuidGenerator guidGenerator,
        ICurrentTenant currentTenant,
        IUserRoleFinder userRoleFinder) : base(permissionGrantRepository, guidGenerator, currentTenant, userRoleFinder)

    public override async Task<MultiplePermissionValueProviderGrantInfo> CheckAsync(string[] names, string providerName, string providerKey)
        var multiplePermissionValueProviderGrantInfo = await base.CheckAsync(names, providerName, providerKey);
        if (providerName != UserPermissionValueProvider.ProviderName)
            return multiplePermissionValueProviderGrantInfo;

        var permissionNotGrants = await PermissionGrantRepository.GetListAsync(names, providerName, $"{providerKey},False");

        foreach (var permissionNotGrant in permissionNotGrants)
            if (multiplePermissionValueProviderGrantInfo.Result.ContainsKey(permissionNotGrant.Name))
                multiplePermissionValueProviderGrantInfo.Result[permissionNotGrant.Name] = new PermissionValueProviderGrantInfo(false, providerKey);

        return multiplePermissionValueProviderGrantInfo;

It will check the user permissions again and change the result if the permission is not granted to the user.


public class MyUserPermissionManagementProvider : UserPermissionManagementProvider
    protected IUserRoleFinder UserRoleFinder { get; }

    public MyUserPermissionManagementProvider(IPermissionGrantRepository permissionGrantRepository, IGuidGenerator guidGenerator, ICurrentTenant currentTenant, IUserRoleFinder userRoleFinder) : base(permissionGrantRepository, guidGenerator, currentTenant)
        UserRoleFinder = userRoleFinder;

    public override Task<MultiplePermissionValueProviderGrantInfo> CheckAsync(string[] names, string providerName, string providerKey)
        var key = $"{providerKey},True";
        return base.CheckAsync(names, providerName, key);

    public override async Task SetAsync(string name, string providerKey, bool isGranted)
        if (isGranted)
            await RevokeAsync(name, $"{providerKey},False");
            if(await ShouldAddPermissionAsync(name, providerKey))
                await AddIfNotExistsAsync(name, providerKey, isGranted);


        await RevokeAsync(name, $"{providerKey},True");
        await AddIfNotExistsAsync(name, providerKey, isGranted);

    private async Task<bool> ShouldAddPermissionAsync(string name, string providerKey)
        var userId = Guid.Parse(providerKey);
        var roleNames = await UserRoleFinder.GetRolesAsync(userId);

        foreach (var roleName in roleNames)
            var permission = await PermissionGrantRepository.FindAsync(name,RolePermissionValueProvider.ProviderName, roleName);
            if(permission != null)
                return false;

        return true;

    private async Task AddIfNotExistsAsync(string name, string providerKey, bool isGranted)
        var key = $"{providerKey},{isGranted}";

        if (await PermissionGrantRepository.FindAsync(name, Name, key) != null)

        await PermissionGrantRepository.InsertAsync(
            new PermissionGrant(

It will add suffixes True and False to the provider key.

It should work for you, but I didn't consider all scenarios. you should do the full test to check it and enhance it

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Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-rc.1. Updated on January 17, 2025, 14:13