what do you mean by DomainException .... do i have to throw the BusinessException in Domain Project
i am throwing the exception in my OnPost when i submit the form on a page to check if tenant exists
if (tenant != null)
throw new UserFriendlyException(message: "Tenant Name already exists please choose another");
what do you mean by DomainException .... do i have to throw the BusinessException in Domain Project
Yes that works
no thats not it still same result
This error was due to the Email password not being encrypted so i canned it to my DOmain project in ConfigureService and set it as a Gloabal setting
Thanks you are right i needed to verify the phone number and it works
You are right learnabp is a developer so can manage the organisation
I was logging in with the owner account hence the problem ... i logged in as a developer and it worked
Thanks for your help
Thanks for you response, i have copied the code over to my own web application