Yeah you're right, table-hover
comes from bootstrap and lepton theme doesn't have that class. I'm working on it
It's published with v4.3.3
, if you update to this version, you'll see TenantId will be set properly.
Hi @ElifKaya
Firstly we decided to make MenuItem without multi-tenancy, but now it has multi-tenantcy support but there is a missing implementation. So that is a bug, You can track #10114
Hi @learnabp
We'll release a documentation about Tenant - Edition subscription as soon as possible.
Dont really understand how ABP has build the Subscription & Payment System!
the documentation is no good in explaining how it is implemented!
How can a tenant be created using subscrition & payment from the Public Site ??
Also why is the Payment Menu shown in a Tenant where they can add payment gateway? shouldn't it only be avalible to the host??
see below i am logged in as a "Test Tenant" and i can see the Payment Menu and can change the Plans as a Tenant admin
For now, there is no public view implementation for subscription. You can make your own Pricing/Subscription page and then you can start a subscription with ISubscriptionService
We don't plan to make a Public UI, becuse there are many use cases, we can't handle all of them at once.
I followed that steps and working properly:
docker ps
523922ca2557 "/opt/mssql/bin/perm…" 13 days ago Up About an hour 1401/tcp,>1433/tcp, :::1433->1433/tcp eager_keldysh
a2247ca3f8f4 redis "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 months ago Up About an hour>6379/tcp, :::6379->6379/tcp wonderful_goldberg
abp new MyMenuApp --with-public-website
, Web
and Public.Web src/MyMenuApp.DbMigrator
dotnet run
project:cd ../MyMenuApp.Web
dotnet run
projectcd ../MyMenuApp.Web.Public
dotnet run
So I can't reproduce the scenario that you faced. Please share a sample code about it.
Hi @learnabp
Can you share an empty project that reproduces your problem to my email:
I can say something about then
Hi, you can customize toolbar with following this documentation
You can open your own modal with file upload input, and append a text line into editor like [FileName.pdf](/your/path/to/file/FileName.pdf)
Getting menus from database for each request is too costly, so CmsKit uses Redis to cache them. When you change something about menus, *.Web
projects purges cache and *.Public.Web
gets latest state of menus.
By the way, you don't have to configure manually, if you have [DependsOn(typeof(AbpCachingStackExchangeRedisModule))]
attribute, it configures itself with default configuration, reads Redis:Configuration from your appsettings.json
Hi learnabp
Are you using same Redis for your Web & Web.Public projects?