Activities of "christophe.baille"

Still the same

To fix the previous issue, I removed the project from ABP Suite (1), then I added it again (2)

Now I have a different error:

I am supposed to have only one DbContext as I removed this MigrationDbContext right? Or there is something I didn't understand?


As there is no entity named IdentityUser on the entity list,

and there is no file neither

I am filling values manually.

namespace: Volo.Abp.Identity EntityName: IdentityUser DtoName: IdentityUserDto

I will keep Property name AppUserId for now, so it will not change the field on my tables.

Collection name: Users

In my AppDbContext, I will replace:

public DbSet<AppUser> Users { get; set; } by public DbSet<IdentityUser> Users { get; set; }

I did replace AppUser by IdentityUser on my solution to have the project building without any errors.

But now I have this error when try to generate my entity. I already deleted EntityFramework.DbMigration and updated the references as explained on the document.

There is one point I don't really understand on how to do: Remove AppUser Entity

If I have to remove the class AppUser.cs from Domain project, what should I put on my navigation property AppUserId?

I did post this error on the thread Bugs & Issues v4.4.X as well

  • ABP Framework version: v4.4
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

NOTE: In version 4.2 it was working well

1- From login view and press cancel I reach the address http://localhost:4200/?error=access_denied and it doesn't looks good on Forefox only. It looks ok with Chrome.



2- When login, I want to logout, if I do not use english language (I tried Finnish, French and Italian), I get stuck on this view, plus the text on the button is missing:

English ok, I have text on the button then I reach the home page

Other languages, text in button is missing and it stay on this page

Thanks a lot.

I close the ticket then

I updated the class in a new file into HttpApi.Host and all works well now thanks.

Do you know when it will be fixed on the Framework? Next release?

Did you refund me the ticket yet as since the beginning the issue is from ABP.IO side?


Be more clear please. There is few IdentityServer stuffs. Do I need to create this class in one of the projects? If IDS means IdentityServer, which is not a project

IDS project?


Several bugs when switch from Angular to Account MVC views, should I create a ticket for them? Because of this I don't think I can upgrade the production...

  • ABP Framework version: v4.4
  • UI type: Angular
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): no
  • Exception message and stack trace:
  • Steps to reproduce the issue:"

NOTE: I created a ticket

All have been tested with a new Solution V4.4:

1- From login view and press cancel I reach the address http://localhost:4200/?error=access_denied and it doesn't looks good. UPDATE:It looks bad on Firefox but looks OK in Chrome.



2- When login, I want to logout, if I do not use english language (I tried Finnish, French and Italian), I get stuck on this view, plus the text on the button is missing:

English ok, I have text on the button then I reach the home page

Other languages, text in button is missing and it stay on this page

Showing 111 to 120 of 188 entries
Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-rc.1. Updated on January 17, 2025, 14:13