Activities of "andmattia"

Hi @albert

I tried with Https but situation still the same.

So I'm not agree with your answer "is related to a 3rd party component".

My question is releted how ANZ and ABP.IO can comunicate. I think is a big point to allow project migration from ANZ to ABP for many customer and is not cover in any guide or document at the moment.

I sended a full empty solution based on ANZ and ABP (without our customization) at @info to give you all information and data to try this issue.

Any way I write to info to get a quotation for this issue


could you please give us support on this issue?

Any update?

Hi all

I spent my last 3 days to try to identify why this not work.

I start from scracth again with 2 clean solution ANZ 7.1 and ABP.IO 5.1.4 and I'm able to send my login to ABP.IO page but the flow not works. This is the configuration In ANZ we put this configuration

    "OpenId": {
      "IsEnabled": "true",
      "ClientId": "anz_client",
      "Authority": "https://localhost:44379/",
      "LoginUrl": "https://localhost:44379/Account/Login",
      "ValidateIssuer": "false",
      "ClaimsMapping": [
          "claim": "unique_name",
          "key": "preferred_username"

Go to login for default tenant we are redirect to https://localhost:44379/Account/Login?response_type=id_token&client_id=anz_client&state=dhMpK2WQPQWaY2fovyS9jhWyk3DXQceDYJ7Ff1WB%3BopenIdConnect%3D1&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A4300%2Faccount%2Flogin&scope=openid%20profile&nonce=dhMpK2WQPQWaY2fovyS9jhWyk3DXQceDYJ7Ff1WB And no return happen

I check the link generate from ABP.IO angular https://localhost:44379/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2Fconnect%2Fauthorize%2Fcallback%3Fresponse_type%3Dcode%26client_id%3DTest_App%26state%3DUHFYMlJ2TEx2ckt-V3BfdFN0LUNWVHRpZ2tmWVZiTTdvVnFVNEp6LkE4NXln%26redirect_uri%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Flocalhost%253A4200%26scope%3Dopenid%2520offline_access%2520Test%26code_challenge%3DaXtCQgVDgqr52DYoXZgL2-cktwkxIrmcCLTHf2Dtin0%26code_challenge_method%3DS256%26nonce%3DUHFYMlJ2TEx2ckt-V3BfdFN0LUNWVHRpZ2tmWVZiTTdvVnFVNEp6LkE4NXln%26culture%3Den%26ui-culture%3Den

I see some differnce

  • ReturnUrl is missed on ANZ
  • response_type code vs id_token

I hope is enough to investigate why doesn't work


I found the problem.

My base class inherit from DomainService and it's ITransientDependency


I read the document that you has share/attach but not answer to my question about integration for 2 dbcontext which is the best practice to do that.

Has you any suggestion?

Any available example?


Ok I completle agree about sync by events can you shere some details about that?


I can not uderstand how can it solve the problem. If you look to the on semple ![image]

I case some one need to now the user that create a post on blog module how can you get it? or product name? in the second case you can try to fix using same microservice but in the first. So how you can crate a table with 4 cols id, User Name, Blog Post title, creation data? Consider the option to show on Angualr query and export it on excel.



I agree that each module must be responsable of own data but how can I solve the simplest problem I need to show the own data module with owner user name for example. I think this challange is quite often in a lot of case.

In single DB architecture I can add to EF the same table in that way I can achive the result the only problem/pitfall can be that POCO class must be shared but in 2 different DB arch how can I solve it? I my case if I store data for E-Comm module on MongoDb the only way is store all user data in the collaction for example but if my user update some data (es name or email) I need to brodcast this update to all module that has stored data in place of link it.

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