Activities of "Tony_Albutt"

So many breaking changes, all over the place.

I have been dreading updating to .net core 6 and ABP.IO version 5.x This is the third attempt. It took 4 days to move to .net core 5 and AMB.IO version 4.x Going to take a week to fix all the modal functionality that no longer works.

**PLEASE **fix my access to the source code : The user "" has no active ABP Commercial license!

Have a good one. Regards Tony

I found the Volo Account and Lepton modules in new location

After replacing all files for account and implementing my changes, and replacing all Version="$(MicrosoftPackageVersion)" with correct version, I how get the application to run and the web browser to display the Lepton theme errors to display the bootstrap5 errors.

Next step is to move lepton module file and re-implement my custom theme.

Working again Custom themes are a bust. Will have to re-create them

This was one of the problems.

Restored packages, added migrations and updated database as well.

I am still having the same error.

All widgets are now working. The second widget had the same problem, but kept reporting the error. Deleted widget and re-created, and still reported the problem. Remed out all UI on Default.chtml and then workerd. Re-enabled UI and then worked ??? A referance may have been cached someware.

All good


I may have found a problem. First widget is longer reporting an error. Next one is still reporting a problem

Solution for first problem is as follows

  1. Widget folder is TravelCostsWidget.
  2. Controller name space is namespace ITX.Web.Pages.Shared.Components.TravelCostsWidget
  3. ViewComponent name space is ITX.Web.Pages.Shared.Components.TravelCosts
  4. ViewModel name space is TX.Web.Pages.Shared.Components.TravelCosts

Solved first Widget error by renaming name space from TravelCosts to TravelCostsWidget

I will update again later

This is the widget location /Pages/Shared/Components/TravelCostsWidget/Default.cshtml The same location that is reported in the log file above indicating could not be found

    <form method="get" id="TravelCostsFilterForm">
                    <abp-input asp-for="TravelRequestId" />
                        <div class="row" style="padding-left:24px;padding-bottom:12px;">
                            <abp-button style="float: right;" id="RefreshTravelCostsButton"
                                        type="Submit" />
                <div id="TravelCostsWidgetArea" data-widget-filter="#TravelCostsFilterForm">
                    @await Component.InvokeAsync("TravelCostsWidget", new { travelRequestId = Model.TravelRequestId })

    namespace ITX.Web.Pages.Shared.Components.TravelCostsWidget
		    public class TravelCostsWidgetController : AbpController
		        public IActionResult RefreshTravelCosts(Guid travelRequestId)
		            return ViewComponent("TravelCostsWidget", new { travelRequestId });
    namespace ITX.Web.Pages.Shared.Components.TravelCosts
		    public class TravelCostsViewModel
		        public List<TravelCostDto> TravelCosts { get; set; }
    namespace ITX.Web.Pages.Shared.Components.TravelCosts
		    StyleFiles = new[] { "/Pages/Shared/Components/TravelCostsWidget/Default.css" },
		    ScriptFiles = new[] { "/Pages/Shared/Components/TravelCostsWidget/Default.js" },
		    RefreshUrl = "Widgets/RefreshTravelCosts",
		    AutoInitialize = true
		    public class TravelCostsWidgetViewComponent : AbpViewComponent
		        private readonly ITravelCostsAppService _travelCostsAppService;
		        public TravelCostsWidgetViewComponent(ITravelCostsAppService travelCostsAppService)
		            _travelCostsAppService = travelCostsAppService;
		        public IViewComponentResult Invoke(Guid travelRequestId)
                    List<TravelCostDto> travelCosts = new();
                    if (travelRequestId != Guid.Empty)
                        travelCosts = _travelCostsAppService.GetTravelCostsForTravelRequest(travelRequestId);
                    return View(new TravelCostsViewModel { TravelCosts = travelCosts });
    $(function () {
		    var myWidgetManager = new abp.WidgetManager('#TravelCostsWidgetArea');
    @using System.Globalization
		@using ITX.Localization
		@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Localization
		@model ITX.Web.Pages.Shared.Components.TravelCosts.TravelCostsViewModel
		@inject IHtmlLocalizer<ITXResource> L
		    decimal Total = 0.00m;
		<table class="table table-striped">
		        <tr class="line">
		            <td class="text-left"><strong>@L["Description"]</strong></td>
		            <td class="text-center"><strong>@L["Qty"]</strong></td>
		            <td class="text-right"><strong>@L["Price"]</strong></td>
		            <td class="text-right"><strong>@L["Total"]</strong></td>
		        @foreach (var item in Model.TravelCosts)
		                <td class="text-left">@item.Description</td>
		                <td class="text-center">@item.Qty</td>
		                <td class="text-center">@item.Price</td>
		                <td class="text-right">@item.Total</td>
		                Total = Total + item.Total;
		                <td colspan="3">
		                <td class="text-right"><strong>Total</strong></td>
		                <td class="text-right"><strong>@Total</strong></td>

Thanks, I will do so

I have closed this request.

Have a good one

Regards Tony

I have replaced the abp-paginator with two buttons, PageBackButton and PageNextButton.

All except one thing is working.

If I am on the original page that opens, then the close button works and the normal close after OnPost works.

Once I navigate to Page 2, I can no longer close the modal page, with clicking the [x] button and OnPost response. I suspect that the modal abp.manager does not recognise the modal form

To fix the OnPost problem, I now submit the form via ajax and reload page on success, which is not the preferred method to close a modal popup.

How can I get the close button to work without reloading the page?

<button aria-label="Close" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" type="button"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>

Thanks and regards Tony

That would be great, I have sent an email.


This does not work. The html request is sent now from javascript, and the html response is loaded in the browser as before. This calls the modal popup{ id: recId });

var hotelSearchModal = new abp.ModalManager({ viewUrl: abp.appPath + "Resvoyage/HotelSearch/HotelSearchModal", scriptUrl: "/Pages/Resvoyage/HotelSearch/hotelSearchModal.js", modalClass: "requestSegmentEdit" });

This is the OnGet form .chtml.cs This is the .chtml page

This is javascript I have tried a widget as well, but the widget gets rendered in the main page, not in the modal popup

Any ideas?

Thanks and regards Tony

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