Activities of "LawrenceKwan"


Hi @LawrenceKwan, do you use the Redis? It can be really helpful to downgrade the response time.

Sure, I have set up redis server by docker and connect well.

2021-11-11 14:09:54.396 +08:00 [INF] - Volo.Abp.Castle.AbpCastleCoreModule 2021-11-11 14:09:54.396 +08:00 [INF] - Volo.Abp.Caching.StackExchangeRedis.AbpCachingStackExchangeRedisModule 2021-11-11 14:09:54.396 +08:00 [INF] - Volo.Abp.Caching.AbpCachingModule

2021-11-11 14:09:55.549 +08:00 [DBG] Executing HealthCheck collector HostedService. 2021-11-11 14:09:55.559 +08:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:44392/ - - 2021-11-11 14:09:55.565 +08:00 [INF] Entity Framework Core 5.0.12 initialized 'HealthChecksDb' using provider 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory' with options: StoreName=HealthChecksUI 2021-11-11 14:09:55.607 +08:00 [INF] Start processing HTTP request GET "https://localhost:44392/health-status" 2021-11-11 14:09:55.608 +08:00 [INF] Sending HTTP request GET "https://localhost:44392/health-status" 2021-11-11 14:09:55.678 +08:00 [INF] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. 2021-11-11 14:09:55.678 +08:00 [INF] Hosting environment: Development 2021-11-11 14:09:55.679 +08:00 [INF] Content root path: d:\Users\lk2555\ABPApplication\ABPApplication\aspnet-core\src\ABPApplication.HttpApi.Host 2021-11-11 14:09:55.788 +08:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/1.1 GET https://localhost:44392/health-status - - 2021-11-11 14:09:57.029 +08:00 [INF] Executing endpoint 'ABPApplication.Controllers.HomeController.Index (ABPApplication.HttpApi.Host)' 2021-11-11 14:09:57.029 +08:00 [INF] Executing endpoint 'Health checks' 2021-11-11 14:09:57.072 +08:00 [INF] Route matched with {action = "Index", controller = "Home", area = "", page = ""}. Executing controller action with signature Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ActionResult Index() on controller ABPApplication.Controllers.HomeController (ABPApplication.HttpApi.Host). 2021-11-11 14:09:57.095 +08:00 [INF] Executing RedirectResult, redirecting to /swagger. 2021-11-11 14:09:57.099 +08:00 [INF] Executed action ABPApplication.Controllers.HomeController.Index (ABPApplication.HttpApi.Host) in 23.162ms 2021-11-11 14:09:57.100 +08:00 [INF] Executed endpoint 'ABPApplication.Controllers.HomeController.Index (ABPApplication.HttpApi.Host)' 2021-11-11 14:09:57.124 +08:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:44392/ - - - 302 - - 1566.6727ms 2021-11-11 14:09:57.126 +08:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:44392/swagger/index.html - - 2021-11-11 14:09:57.199 +08:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:44392/swagger/index.html - - - 200 - text/html;charset=utf-8 73.1779ms


Hi @LawrenceKwan, do you use the Redis? It can be really helpful to downgrade the response time.

Yes, I have redis sever now, the project run sucess.

identity server connect redis then connect other 2021-11-11 14:09:51.824 +08:00 [INF] - Volo.Abp.Caching.StackExchangeRedis.AbpCachingStackExchangeRedisModule ........ 2021-11-11 14:09:51.964 +08:00 [DBG] Started background worker: Volo.Abp.IdentityServer.Tokens.TokenCleanupBackgroundWorker 2021-11-11 14:09:52.147 +08:00 [INF] Starting IdentityServer4 version 4.1.1+cebd52f5bc61bdefc262fd20739d4d087c6f961f 2021-11-11 14:09:52.793 +08:00 [INF] Using the default authentication scheme Identity.Application for IdentityServer 2021-11-11 14:09:52.793 +08:00 [DBG] Using Identity.Application as default ASP.NET Core scheme for authentication 2021-11-11 14:09:52.793 +08:00 [DBG] Using Identity.External as default ASP.NET Core scheme for sign-in 2021-11-11 14:09:52.793 +08:00 [DBG] Using Identity.External as default ASP.NET Core scheme for sign-out 2021-11-11 14:09:52.793 +08:00 [DBG] Using Identity.Application as default ASP.NET Core scheme for challenge 2021-11-11 14:09:52.793 +08:00 [DBG] Using Identity.Application as default ASP.NET Core scheme for forbid 2021-11-11 14:09:53.347 +08:00 [INF] Initialized all ABP modules. 2021-11-11 14:09:53.370 +08:00 [INF] Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. 2021-11-11 14:09:53.371 +08:00 [INF] Hosting environment: Development 2021-11-11 14:09:53.371 +08:00 [INF] Content root path: d:\Users\lk2555\ABPApplication\ABPApplication\aspnet-core\src\ABPApplication.IdentityServer 2021-11-11 14:09:53.389 +08:00 [INF] Request starting HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:44383/ - - 2021-11-11 14:09:55.602 +08:00 [DBG] Login Url: /Account/Login 2021-11-11 14:09:55.602 +08:00 [DBG] Login Return Url Parameter: ReturnUrl 2021-11-11 14:09:55.602 +08:00 [DBG] Logout Url: /Account/Logout 2021-11-11 14:09:55.602 +08:00 [DBG] ConsentUrl Url: /Consent 2021-11-11 14:09:55.602 +08:00 [DBG] Consent Return Url Parameter: returnUrl 2021-11-11 14:09:55.602 +08:00 [DBG] Error Url: /Account/Error 2021-11-11 14:09:55.602 +08:00 [DBG] Error Id Parameter: errorId 2021-11-11 14:09:56.667 +08:00 [INF] Executing endpoint '/Index' 2021-11-11 14:09:56.707 +08:00 [INF] Route matched with {page = "/Index", area = "", action = "", controller = ""}. Executing page /Index 2021-11-11 14:09:56.709 +08:00 [INF] Skipping the execution of current filter as its not the most effective filter implementing the policy Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.IAntiforgeryPolicy 2021-11-11 14:09:56.730 +08:00 [INF] Executing handler method ABPApplication.Pages.IndexModel.OnGet - ModelState is "Valid" 2021-11-11 14:09:56.731 +08:00 [INF] Executed handler method OnGet, returned result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages.PageResult. 2021-11-11 14:09:57.148 +08:00 [DBG] Added bundle 'Lepton.Global' to the page in 31.79 ms. 2021-11-11 14:09:57.408 +08:00 [DBG] Added bundle 'Lepton.Global' to the page in 17.96 ms. 2021-11-11 14:09:57.438 +08:00 [INF] Executed page /Index in 728.1847ms 2021-11-11 14:09:57.439 +08:00 [INF] Executed endpoint '/Index' 2021-11-11 14:09:57.473 +08:00 [INF] Request finished HTTP/2 GET https://localhost:44383/ - - - 200 - text/html;+charset=utf-8 4083.9085ms

the menu page need at least 30+ second to loading, is it mornal?

After I add redis server , every thing is okay Thanks EngincanV.

EngincanV Thanks for update.

I do reserch on abp commercial document web Dont find any requisition before running ABP commercial and we at the moment dont have redis server in our system arthecture. As I am doing proof of concept for web module, could I disable redis now ? Or I must set up a redis server?

The HTTP 500 Error has been fix, is because of database connection string issue.

And I find the below logs:

2021-11-10 15:04:33.576 +08:00 [WRN] It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). UnableToConnect on, Initializing/NotStarted, last: NONE, origin: BeginConnectAsync, outstanding: 0, last-read: 1s ago, last-write: 1s ago, keep-alive: 60s, state: Connecting, mgr: 10 of 10 available, last-heartbeat: never, global: 189s ago, v: 2.0.593.37019 StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). UnableToConnect on, Initializing/NotStarted, last: NONE, origin: BeginConnectAsync, outstanding: 0, last-read: 1s ago, last-write: 1s ago, keep-alive: 60s, state: Connecting, mgr: 10 of 10 available, last-heartbeat: never, global: 189s ago, v: 2.0.593.37019 at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectImpl(Object configuration, TextWriter log) in C:\projects\stackexchange-redis\src\StackExchange.Redis\ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 941 at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(String configuration, TextWriter log) in C:\projects\stackexchange-redis\src\StackExchange.Redis\ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 903 at Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis.RedisCache.Connect() at Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.StackExchangeRedis.RedisCache.Set(String key, Byte[] value, DistributedCacheEntryOptions options) at Volo.Abp.Caching.DistributedCache`2.<>c__DisplayClass50_0.

** if it need to host redis server myself?**

After I have start abp commercial soulution, I get 3 tab open, only the swagger show properly, and other 2 are showing error. See this :

ABPApplication.HttpApi.Host = > swagger tab ABPApplication.IdentityServer = > 500 server error tab ABPApplication.Web => An unhandled exception

Anything I need to set up for IdentityServer? I have already input the connection string.

Hello @EngincanV , thanks for help, but may I know how to check redis working condition in visual studio

Hello I have set three of them start up when run, but still have error, I can see the swagger now.

Hello Here are my solution structure

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