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Validation on a Select component - Blazor UI #1025

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Leonardo.Willrich created
  • ABP Framework version: v4.2.2
  • UI type: Blazor
  • DB provider: EF Core
  • Tiered (MVC) or Identity Server Separated (Angular): yes / no
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I have a modal with some fields SELECT. The first item is just a generic item to message the user to select an option. Those fields are required, I don't want leave the user save the modal with some not selected field. How can I do that? I've tried play with Validation component, but it doesn't work.

Here one of my SELECT code:

<Select TValue="int" @bind-SelectedValue="@NewEntity.NetworkTypeId">
    <SelectItem TValue="int" Value="0">@L["SupplyNetwork:SelectNetworkType"]</SelectItem>
    @foreach (var network in networkTypeList)
        <SelectItem TValue="int" Value="@network.Id">

5 Answer(s)
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    mladen.macanovic created
    Support Team

    You need to wrap Select with validations and use Feedback element.

        <Select TValue="int" @bind-SelectedValue="@NewEntity.NetworkTypeId">
            <SelectItem TValue="int" Value="0">@L["SupplyNetwork:SelectNetworkType"]</SelectItem>
            @foreach ( var network in networkTypeList )
                <SelectItem TValue="int" Value="@network.Id">
                <ValidationError />

    Also, don't forget to read Blazorise documentation for reference.

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    Leonardo.Willrich created


    The code above doesn't work. I had to add the <ChildContent> markup for the <SelectItem> loop. See below:

                <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is5">
                <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is7">
                    <Select TValue="int" @bind-SelectedValue="@EditingEntity.NetworkTypeId">
                            <SelectItem TValue="int" Value="0">@L["SupplyNetwork:SelectNetworkType"]</SelectItem>
                            @foreach (var network in networkTypeList)
                                <SelectItem TValue="int" Value="@network.Id">
                            <ValidationError />

    Regarding the documatation, I am trying my best with that. I haven't seen nothing about Validation in ABP Framework or ABP Commercial documents and I've found something in Blasorise documentation, however, I haven't found any example for <SELECT>. Can you please refer where I would be found that?

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    mladen.macanovic created
    Support Team

    You can disable a save button by listening for validations status changed

    <Validations Mode="ValidationMode.Auto" StatusChanged="@OnValidationsStatusChanged">
                    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is5">
                    <Column ColumnSize="ColumnSize.Is7">
                        <Select TValue="int" @bind-SelectedValue="@EditingEntity.NetworkTypeId">
                                <SelectItem TValue="int" Value="0">@L["SupplyNetwork:SelectNetworkType"]</SelectItem>
                                @foreach ( var network in networkTypeList )
                                    <SelectItem TValue="int" Value="@network.Id">
                                <ValidationError />
    <Button Color="Color.Primary" Disabled="@saveDisabled">Save</Button>
        Task OnValidationsStatusChanged( ValidationsStatusChangedEventArgs eventArgs )
            saveDisabled = eventArgs.Status == ValidationStatus.Error;
            return Task.CompletedTask;
        bool saveDisabled;
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    mladen.macanovic created
    Support Team

    Also I see you using Row and Column for horizontal form field. While that can work it is best to go with native approach. eg. with FieldLabel and FieldBody

    <Field Horizontal="true">
        <FieldLabel ColumnSize="ColumnSize.IsFull.OnTablet.Is2.OnDesktop">Full Name</FieldLabel>
        <FieldBody ColumnSize="ColumnSize.IsFull.OnTablet.Is10.OnDesktop">
            <TextEdit Autofocus="true" Placeholder="First and last name">
                    <ValidationError>Enter full name!</ValidationError>
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    Leonardo.Willrich created

    That is great. Thank you for sharing that.

Made with ❤️ on ABP v9.1.0-rc.1. Updated on January 17, 2025, 14:13